Several crystals including clear quartz and selenite pillars stand upright against an open book and a box

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Adventuring Dreamers’ Beginner’s Guide On How To Manifest With Crystals

Curious about crystal magick, but not sure where to begin? In this beginner’s guide to crystals, I go over the most frequently asked questions about how to start manifesting with crystals.

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Dissolving the stigma against crystals

Growing up, my family visited Sedona, Arizona pretty often and I loved wandering around the shops in town. Sedona is a hub for crystal shops, so exploring these little boutiques is where I got my first experience with crystals and originally fell in love with these powerful gemstones.

On one of these trips, when I was about twelve, I bought my friend a clear quartz as a souvenir. I thought she’d love this beautiful stone, especially since crystals brought me so much joy and I figured it would for her as well. I saw her at school the day after I gave it to her and was heartbroken to learn that she’d thrown the crystal in the trash because she thought it was a symbol of evil. Back then, crystals were so misunderstood, and at twelve, I didn’t know how to explain to her that crystals weren’t evil, but actually positive tools used for healing.

Luckily, the world has changed. Crystals have fallen into the mainstream. Nowadays, you can find crystal images printed on t-shirts or crystal jewelry dangling on fixtures in department stores. It seems everyone owns their own crystals now, even if they aren’t sure how to work with them.

If you’re feeling called to incorporate crystals in your manifestation practice, your intuition is probably telling you that there is something more to crystals than just being shiny rocks. And you’re right. Crystals are powerful stones that can work as tools to help us create our best lives. They can help us attract abundance, love, confidence, and so much more.

So if you’re ready to find alignment with a little help from healing crystals, then read on! This guide on manifesting with crystals will give you the confidence to start your crystal journey and begin using them in manifestation right away.

A arched window reveals a line of crystals lit up by a candle behind them. The text underneath reads, "How to manifest with crystals: A beginner's guide to working with healing stones."

A beginner’s guide to manifesting with crystals

What are healing crystals?

Healing crystals are gemstones that are used as a tool to help you become more connected to your higher self and the universe. They do this by balancing our life and minds in certain areas, depending on the crystal type.

So, how do crystals create balance in our lives? To explain, I want to remind you that everything is made up of energy. Everything on earth has its own, unique energetic frequency that it radiates into the world. 

Crystals have their own, unique energy pattern that is more stable than the energy patterns of humans. The minerals that make up crystals have properties that help purify and balance the energies around us. Because of this, crystals can act as tuning forks to help balance our unstable energy patterns in certain areas that relate to the properties a crystal has. This is what makes manifesting with crystals so powerful!

To learn more about the types of crystals and the properties that they possess, I totally recommend Judy Hall’s book, The Little Book of Crystals, which dives deep into how specific crystals work. It’s a great tool for anyone just starting their crystal journey, and even for experts who want to take their practice even further.

A cluster of mixed stones and crystals are on a brightly lit table.

The different types of healing crystals

If you’ve browsed a crystal shop before, you’ll have recognized that crystals come in many different textures. For instance, you can get a rough, jaggedy amethyst or a smooth one that looks like a pebble. So, what’s the difference? Here’s a rundown of the different types of healing crystals and how you can use each kind:

Raw Crystals

These are crystals in their natural form, meaning they have not been cut or polished before. These crystals can range in size from very small to very large. These are the rougher, more jaggedy crystals. These beautiful crystals make great additions to your home as decorations, to place on bookshelves, or to display on your altar. 

Tumbled Crystals

Also known as polished crystals, pocket stones, or meditation stones, these smoother crystals have been tumbled in a rock tumbler. This process makes the stones smooth to the touch. They’re known as pocket or meditation stones because they are typically smaller and easy to carry in a pocket or purse as a talisman. Even though tumbled stones are sometimes called meditation stones, you can still meditate with raw crystals or cut crystals. Tumbled crystals are simply more transportable. 

Cut Crystals 

These are crystals that have been cut into certain shapes, and possibly also hand polished. The shape that the crystals have been cut into enhances the crystal because the shape creates a new energy field around it.

A mixture of different polished stones and cut crystals are spread out to form a heart shape.
Crystals come in different shapes, textures, and sizes like cut, raw, and tumbled stones.

How to choose your manifesting crystals

If you’re just starting your crystal collection, the thought of choosing the right crystals might feel overwhelming. Try not to overthink it, and instead think about your intentions on why you want to start a crystal collection in the first place.

Do you have a specific thing you’re trying to manifest? Love, maybe? Success or abundance? If so, you can begin with a crystal that helps enhance your manifestation in that area. For instance, rose quartz is great for attracting unconditional love and self-love. Alternatively, aventurine is a great stone for attracting luck and money.

Or, if you are not looking for a specific manifestation, but are wanting to begin building your toolbelt and start manifesting with crystals in a more general sense, start with these five essential crystals for beginners: amethyst, clear quartz, rose quartz, selenite, and pyrite.

Amethyst promotes calmness. It’s great to help you de-stress. It clears negativity and promotes creativity.

Clear Quartz enhances mental stability, which makes it an excellent stone for meditation. It also boosts the immune system and can cleanse and clear negativity.

Rose Quartz is the love stone. This is the stone for both unconditional love and self-love. This is also the stone for friendship, and it promotes deep inner healing. 

Selenite can help you access your intuition. It also helps provide clarity, promotes calmness, and is an amazing space cleanser. This stone will clear negative energy in a room, so I keep a chunk of selenite in every room in my house.

Pyrite is a protection stone that will shield you from negative and unwanted energies. It also promotes leadership and creativity.

A third option on how to choose your crystals is to use your intuition. Tap into why you want to start manifesting with crystals in the first place and use your intuition to guide you to what the right crystals are for your practice.

Cut clear quartz are placed inside a wooden bowl surrounded by leaves.

Where to buy your crystals

As the metaphysical has become more popular in recent years, more and more crystal shops have been popping up all over the place. There is usually at least one metaphysical, new age, or magic shop in every major town where you can find crystals available for purchase.

We also live in the age of technology and convenience, so, lucky for us modern manifestors, we can also purchase our crystals at the touch of a button from the interwebs!

Whether you decide to purchase your crystals in a shop in person or online, you can use your intuition to help you choose which crystals to buy. If you buy in person, use your intuition to guide you to a specific crystal that is meant for you. When buying online, set an intention when you purchase that the right crystal for you will be packaged with your order.

A bag of crystals and stones is spilling out on a table next to a lit tea light.

How to cleanse and recharge your crystals

It’s super important to cleanse and charge your crystals when you first purchase them and then continue to cleanse and charge them as you use them. 

When you first purchase a crystal, it has already been on a long journey to get to you, and it’s picked up a lot of energy along the way. Imagine how many hands have touched it since it was mined, sent to the store, packaged, displayed, and sold to you. That’s a lot of energy that you want to remove before connecting it to you and using it for your manifestation practice.

After you’ve had your crystals for a while, you’ll want to cleanse and recharge them again to get rid of any unwanted energies that they’ve been collecting.

There are several ways to cleanse and recharge your crystals. I’ve listed a few options below. You can use just one method, or use a combination of methods to ensure that all stagnant energy is released from your crystal and it is recharged in alignment with your energy.

Running water

Hold your crystal under running water and ask your intuition to let you know when it has been cleansed. A running spring or stream out in nature is the best option for using running water to cleanse your crystals, but that isn’t a practical option for most people. If you don’t have access to a stream nearby, you can also use running water from a tap in your home. Before you put your crystal underwater, make sure that the crystal you are cleansing is water-safe.

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Using the smoke from sage, palo santo, or incense will also cleanse your crystals. Simply light the cleansing agent, and pass the crystal through the smoke while thinking cleansing thoughts. Again, ask your intuition to tell you once the crystal has been fully cleansed.


You can use your own inner power to cleanse and recharge crystals. To do this, you will first need to ground yourself. Find a space where you will not be interrupted for several minutes. Take three, calming, cleansing, deep belly breaths. Then, take the crystal in your hand and imagine it becoming surrounded by a pure, bright white light. As the stone is surrounded by the light, imagine all the impurities from within the stone being released and dissipated into the universe where the impure energies are transmuted and used for good. Continue to imagine the stone being cleansed until you feel a shift in the energy of the stone in your hand.

Sunlight and Moonlight

You can also place your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight to cleanse and recharge them. Avoid putting bright-colored stones in the sun for an extended period of time as the sunlight can make their color fade. However, any stone will be safe in the sun for about a half-hour. If using moonlight, leave your crystals out overnight and bring them in before morning. Put your crystals directly on the ground or on the grass to help them better connect with the natural universe. If you live somewhere where it isn’t possible to put them outside, placing them on a windowsill does the job just fine.

A tray table holds a mixture of stones and sage next to a lit candle and a lavender sprig.
You can use incense, water, or visualization to cleanse your stones before you begin manifesting with crystals.

What is the difference between cleansing and recharging?

I’ve listed several ways you can cleanse and recharge your crystals, but I don’t use these terms interchangeably. 

Cleansing your crystals means that you are completely clearing your crystal of any unwanted energy. 

Charging your crystals means that you are replacing the used-up energy with fresh, new energy. 

So, when you first get your crystals you will want to cleanse them of any previous energy they are connected to before they came into your life. You’ll also want to cleanse them after any rituals, or whenever they’ve been around harsher energies or environments.

You’ll want to recharge your crystals periodically to bring them back to their maximum potential. 

There are a few crystals that don’t need to be cleansed because they are self-cleansing. These include selenite, citrine, and kyanite. In fact, you can even use these stones as a way to cleanse other crystals, too!

An open palm holds an amethyst and clear quartz.

Manifesting with Crystals: How to use crystals for manifestation

Step one: Identify your intention

The first step to manifesting anything is to identify what you’re manifesting, commit to manifesting your desire, and declare to the universe what you intend to manifest. In other words, you need to know where you’re going in order to take the first step in that direction.

Step two: Pick the right crystal for your intention. 

Choose a crystal that matches the energy for what you want to manifest. For instance, if you are manifesting success and money, you’ll want to use an aventurine stone, goldstone, or similar. Take a look at the crystals I listed above and see if any of those crystals align with your desires. In addition to being a great book to introduce the basics of crystal magick, The Little Book of Crystals is a delightful resource that outlines the different purposes for different crystals. 

Step three: Charge your crystal

Use the crystal charging guide outlined above and use your intention to pick the right method of charging for you. You can choose one method, or do a combination of many methods As you charge your crystal, focus on your intention and visualize yourself manifesting this desire.

Step four: Work with your crystal

There are many many ways you can work with crystals. You can meditate with them in your hands or near you. You can carry them as talismans in your pockets. Place them on your desk as an anchor, reminding you of your intention as you work. You can place them under your pillow while you sleep. Line your tub with them as you take a calming bubble bath, or even place them in the water with you if they are water safe. There are even many manifestation rituals that involve crystals that you can try out. 

Step five: Embody the version of you who already has your desire

The most important step to manifesting anything is to live as though you already have what you want. Aching for your desire only promotes lack energy, which sends the universe the wrong signal. Use your crystals as an anchor that your manifestation is on its way to you now. Know that all will be revealed in divine timing, and begin living your life as the version of yourself who has already completed this manifestation. 

Step six: Take action

Nothing is going to happen if you’re just sitting on your butt, waiting for your manifestation to appear out of thin are— even if you are holding your crystals. You must take action. But the key is that you only need to take inspired action. Use the crystals to help you access your intuition and take inspired action as it comes. And, as always, live in gratitude for all the opportunities that flow your way.

A person in white sits with their legs crossed. In front of them are several crystals and stones. They also hold a crystal in their hand.
Holding crystals in your hand while you meditate is one way to use crystals in your manifestation practice.

How do you know if you’re using your crystals correctly?

Crystals are powerful tools, but like any tools, the real power comes from you. Learn to trust yourself and listen to your intuition. Use the crystals as a talisman for reassurance and be open to direction from your higher self. Your intuition will let you know how to use your crystals and if you are using your crystals correctly.

Where to keep your crystals

Do your research and find out what type of environment your crystals like best. Some crystals are sensitive to things like sunlight or humidity. Some crystals are fragile and might flake when placed in a pouch with other crystals. So, make sure you get to know your crystals and learn what type of environment they will thrive in.

You can keep your crystals in a designated space like an altar, you can use them for decoration on your bookshelves, or you can keep them in a crystal box or pouch for safekeeping. 

An alter space holds an open book, a candle, and a box with crystals inside, among other miscellaneous items.
You can keep your crystals in a designated space like an altar or in a crystal box.

Final thoughts when manifesting with crystals

Crystals are powerful tools that can help you tune in to certain energies and align yourself with the energies of your desires. But, as with any manifestation tool, the real power is within yourself. Learn how to listen to your intuition and communicate with your higher self, and you will be able to manifest anything that you desire. To learn more about manifestation and the manifestation process, check out my Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation.

A bowl of rose quartz with text printed underneath that reads, "Manifesting with crystals: A beginner's guide on how to use healing stones."

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifestation Rituals:

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

5 Gratitude Rituals That Will Help Raise Your Vibration

Manifest Money:

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Books to help strengthen your manifestation abilities:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Crystals are amazing tools that can not only help us manifest the life of our dreams but can also help us remove obstacles. Learn more in our guide: Elevate Your Life: Use Crystals for Removing Obstacles.

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