Showing: 1 - 10 of 10 RESULTS
Woman sits cross-legged on dry leaves in woods with hands in namaste.

How To Include Yoga In Your Holistic Wellness Practice

Yoga is one of the most powerful tools you can use in a holistic wellness practice. Holistic health is about prioritizing wellness in all areas of life, not just in the physical body. And yoga embraces that philosophy because it incorporates practices involving the mind, body, and spirit. Learn how to include yoga in your holistic wellness practice.

A woman stands on the railing of a look out at the top of a mountain. Her arms are thrown out in a power pose of triumph.

The Complete Guide to Limiting Beliefs and How To Conquer Them

The Complete Guide to Limiting Beliefs and How To Conquer Them Everyone has heard those dreadful thoughts in our minds that tell us why we shouldn’t or can’t do something that we want to do. These little thought demons are limiting beliefs and they hold us back from our goals. Here’s how you get rid of them. What is a limiting belief and where do …

A woman touches her face above the eyebrows

What is EFT and How to Use It to Reduce Stress

What is EFT and How to Use It to Reduce Stress In this article, I will be going over exactly what EFT tapping is and how you can use it not only to reduce stress but also to improve your life in many different areas. I was talking to my mom on the phone recently and she mentioned how she’d just left the grocery store …

A person in a hoodie stands with their arms raised up in triumph as they look into the sunrise

Mindset to Success: Chase the Things That Scare You

Mindset to Success: Chase the Things That Scare You If you’ve ever had a dream, then you know how freaking scary it is to want something so badly it paralyzes you. Well, I’m here to tell you, don’t give in to that fear. Instead, chase the things that scare you. The best things in life come from that which scares you. I can’t do this. …

Silhouette of a person meditating with their arms raised above their head

Meditation for Beginners: 9 Steps on How to Clear Your Mind

In this guide to meditation for beginners, I will show you exactly how to begin your meditation practice with step-by-step instructions. So you’re interested in meditation, huh? Congratulations! Those who practice meditation regularly often feel less stressed, more focused, and have an overall enhancement of emotional health. In fact, the health benefits of meditating range far beyond emotional well-being, but can also include lowering blood …

Why Failure is the Only Way to Success

Why Failure is the Only Way to Success In our society, we have been conditioned to think of failure as a bad thing, when in fact, failure actually leads to success.  Why do we think of failure as a bad thing? We’ve spent our entire lives being taught that failure is the opposite of success, not a foundational brick to help build it. It might feel …