A serene lake at sunset surrounded by green trees.

How to Lower Your Anxiety Now: 5 Easy Hacks You Can Use in the Moment

How to Lower Your Anxiety Now: 5 Easy Hacks You Can Use in the Moment

If you struggle with anxious thoughts, you probably know how terrible it is to become overwhelmed with anxiety while in a public setting. These 5 easy hacks are perfect exercises you can do in the moment, no matter where you are, to help you lower your anxiety.

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These easy hacks will help you lower your anxiety in the moment so you can continue doing what you need to do.

It is perfectly normal to feel anxiety or stress from time to time. These feelings often come up when we are worried about what’s going to happen in the near future. Perhaps you feel out of control in some area of your life. Or maybe you feel uncertain about what is going to happen next.

Anxiety can especially pop up if you are working to improve your life. If you are going after a goal or a dream, then most likely you are spending a lot of time outside of your comfort zone. Doing things you’ve never done before is bound to bring up some uncertainty.

A woman with her eyes closed and her face pointed towards the sky. Her arms are spread out wide in bliss.

While the ideal scenario would be to take some time for yourself to go for a walk or practice some self-care, that isn’t always possible when we feel anxious in the middle of a situation. Sometimes you need a quick fix that you can use in the moment. Something that will calm you down enough so that you can carry on with what you’re doing. 

This list includes five easy hacks you can use in the moment so you can lower your anxiety and get back to what you need to be doing.

Collage of women in different calming poses. Text reads, "5 Easy Hacks to Lower Your Anxiety In the Moment. AdventuringDreamers.com."

1. Practice some quick tapping

What is EFT tapping?

Emotional Freedom Technique (aka, EFT, aka, tapping) is psychological acupressure that focuses on the meridian points. The meridian points are pressure points on the body that are closely connected to the nervous system. 

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that when these points are activated they can help relieve illnesses or mental ailments. 

How does EFT work?

How EFT works is you tap on certain pressure points on the hands and face while simultaneously saying a script that both acknowledges how you’re feeling and allows it to clear from your body.

To see exactly how it’s done, check out this video from my man Brad Yates, expert EFT extraordinaire. He’s an excellent EFT teacher and really breaks down the basics of EFT and how to do it.

You can also check out this video where Brad specifically goes over clearing anxiety with EFT.

How can you tap subtly?

EFT is a phenomenal tool that I use all the time for many things. You can use it to reduce stress, anxiety, fear, clearing limiting beliefs, I’ve even used it to help with migraines. And while I find it to be super helpful, it’s not always possible to interrupt what we are doing and start tapping away at our face. 

In fact, if we’re in a public setting, doing something that feels weird like tapping on our face in front of everyone might even contribute more to our anxiety. 

That’s why I want to mention a more subtle approach that you can do in the moment of any situation. 

If you’re not able to do the full tapping practice and script of EFT, try simply tapping on the karate chop point of your hand. You can do this subtly like under a table or behind your back so no one else notices. 

To find the karate chop point, flatten your hand like you’re about to give a karate chop and find the flat edge your pinky and palm make. Then use the four fingers of your other hand to tap along this edge. 

If you’re able, repeat a script in your head that goes something like this, “Even though I feel this anxiety in my body, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

If you’re not able to repeat the script in your head, that is totally fine. Tapping on the karate chop point alone will help ease your nervous system and lower your anxiety.

A woman with red lipstick touches her face.

2. Practice some easy breathwork

This is another one of my favorite practices to help you lower your anxiety in the moment. 

Our bodies contain something called the vagus nerve which is connected to the part of the brain that responds to feelings of safety and fear. Activating the vagus nerve helps our bodies feel regulated like we can handle anything. Not activating this nerve can make us feel overwhelmed, stressed, and anxious. 

This simple breathwork technique will help you regulate your vagus nerve, and therefore also reduce your anxiety and stress!

And, I’m not kidding. It’s so simple. Here’s how you do it:

Breathe in through the nose for a count of 4 (one Mississippi, two Mississippi, etc.), then breathe out through the mouth and purse your lips as though you’re breathing through a straw or about to kiss someone for a count of 8. 

And that’s literally it. That’s one round. 

It’s ideal if you can do 10 rounds of this, but you might not always have time in the moment. If you’re in a rush, do as many rounds as you have time for, though it’s still ideal if you can make it through at least 4 rounds. 

A woman closes her eyes and the wind blows her hair in her face.

3. Practice grounding yourself 

Ground yourself by focusing on your senses. What can you see? What can you feel, hear, smell, and taste? Focus on each sense individually before moving on to the next sense. Try to list every detail of each sense in your mind before completing the exercise.

When you focus on your senses you take your mind away from the thoughts that are causing your anxiety. This can be a powerful tool to lower your anxiety in the moment when you aren’t able to step away from a situation.

A woman stands on the sidewalk near a park and looks up to the sky.

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4. Use an anchor

If you know that you get anxiety often, or if you know you’re about to face an event or situation that will cause you anxiety, bring a physical anchor with you. This can be pretty much anything. You can try using a rock, a worry stone, a piece of fabric, or even a fidget spinner

Having something physical you can keep in your pocket and rub your fingers against will give you something to focus on besides your feelings of anxiety. Instead, you can focus on the texture of the item and by labeling it your anchor, your mind will know that it is meant to keep you grounded.

If you don’t have a trinket handy and you feel anxiety bubbling up in your body, reach out for something physical nearby. Grab a table, a chair, your necklace, anything nearby that can help distract you.

A woman holds a red fidget spinner.

5. Play counting games

Another handy tool to help lower your anxiety in the moment is to play counting games. This will give your brain something to focus on besides the disturbing thoughts flashing through your mind. 

Try counting to 10 out of order without forgetting any numbers. Or try counting backward from 100 by threes. Challenge yourself to come up with different counting games that make your mind let go of the anxious feelings and focus on the numbers instead.

A woman sits on the floor in an apartment next to an Apple laptop. She is looking up and appears to be deep in thought.

Remember, You Are the Most Important

Don’t forget to take care of yourself. 

No matter what is going on, what you’re trying to accomplish, and what is triggering your anxiety, you are still the most important thing in your life. Without you, you wouldn’t have your life. So take care of yourself first. 

These hacks might help lower your anxiety in the moment, but they’re quick fixes meant just for that. Make sure you are practicing self-care. And, if you need more help, make sure you seek out a qualified professional. You are worth it.

Collage of images including clay bowls, a woman meditating, a plant in a green pot, and a woman with her eyes closed as the wind brushes through her hair. Text reads, "5 Easy Hacks to Lower Anxiety In the Moment. AdventuringDreamers.com"

Additional Resources To Help You Build a More Positive Mindset

Mindset Guides:

The Complete Guide to Limiting Beliefs and How To Conquer Them

What is EFT and How to Use It to Reduce Stress

Meditation for Beginners: 9 Steps on How to Clear Your Mind

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These are books that transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level

The Complete Wallace D. Wattles Collection

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Do you enjoy posts that boost your mindset like How to Lower Your Anxiety Now: 5 Easy Hacks You Can Use in the Moment? Then you might also enjoy Why Failure is the Only Way To Success, a post about how to reframe your thoughts on failure to help you reach your goals!

Looking for more techniques to help you lower your anxiety? Meditation is a great tool to use to calm our nervous system. Check out my Beginner’s Guide to Meditation.


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