
How to Find the Best Slow Travel Destinations

Are you wondering how to find the best slow travel destinations around the world? Then I got you covered! 

Slow travel is a fairly new approach to traveling. It focuses on taking your time on your trips and getting to know the culture and the local people of a place. Slow travel prioritizes getting to know a certain place in more depth overseeing lots of different places. 

Finding the best Slow Travel Destinations can be far from easy. So in this post, I want to focus on finding the best Slow Travel destinations for your next trip. 

I will mainly focus on great Slow Travel destinations in Europe, but I also wanna offer up some insight on great slow travel destinations overseas. 

Lastly, I will also point out the worst Slow Travel Destinations in Europe so you know what to avoid.

Let’s get to it! 

A woman stands on a balcony overlooking a city while holding her hands up to grip her hat. She's probably contemplating about slow travel.

Best Slow Travel Destinations at a Glance

If you are looking to find the best slow travel destinations without much further explanation, you can find them here. 

These are my favorite slow travel destinations: 

  • France
  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • Australia
  • USA
  • Dutch Caribbean
  • Japan
  • India
  • Scotland

Finding Slow Travel Destinations

A woman in an oversized poncho stands with her arms outstretched like wings, overlooking a bridge built near the ocean coast. She's probably contemplating about slow travel.

Let’s first dive into finding the best Slow Travel destinations in Europe and all over the world. There are a few criteria on how to find a great Slow Travel destination for yourself. You will mainly be looking out for places with less density. Crowded places are not ideal for the ultimate Slow Travel Experience. Choose villages over cities!

The mindset of the locals in your dream destination is another thing to think about before choosing. Especially countries with a warm climate and by the ocean tend to have people with a more relaxed attitude toward life. These countries make for great Slow Travel Destinations.

Countries with an extremely high work ethic and very strict social standards are less ideal places. With less ideal I do not mean that you cannot make it work, but the trick is in finding a destination that is not gonna make you work for it in the first place.

Look for countries open and welcoming to visitors, but not overly touristy places. It is much easier to get to know the locals if they have a very open and inviting attitude towards visitors. In some countries, especially really touristic ones, the locals can seem fed up with visitors and will not welcome you with open arms.

Try finding safe places for your Slow Travel experience. Your mind will be much more at ease if you do not pick super dangerous countries for your Slow Travel experience. While there is a certain appeal to exploring unstable countries as well, this is more suitable for adventure travelers.

If you keep all these tips in mind, you will certainly have no problem finding great Slow Travel destinations for your upcoming trips. If you need some more inspo, keep on reading to learn about my favorite Slow Travel destinations – and my least favorite ones!

1. France – Best Slow Travel Destination Overall

The Place du Tertre with tables of cafe and the Sacrre-Coeur in the early morning while the street lamps are still on.
Montmartre in Paris, France

France is by far my favorite Slow Travel destination in Europe. The French culture prides itself on enjoying life’s pleasures to the fullest – which makes it very easy to participate. Even in the bigger cities, like Paris or Nice, people live with a Slow Living mindset.

Frenchmen enjoy their meals, their wine and their coffee. They take their time while eating, savor every bite and have engaging conversations. This makes France an ideal Slow Travel Destination. Good, authentic French food is being sold at every corner, and can even be enjoyed on a budget.

The French have a very relaxed attitude towards work and stress. They refuse to stick to deadlines and stay calm and relaxed even in the office. Sadly, French people are not always very keen on tourists and their English is not always great, so getting to know them can be hard at times.

A great way to explore the Slow Travel destination France is by doing tastings and tours. They offer plenty of small group experiences that gives you plenty of time to talk to your local guide, ask questions and try local products. 

There are many beautiful French provinces that are especially great for Slow Travel. I can recommend the Dordogne region, Provence as well as the Champagne and the Bordeaux region as amazing destinations for Slow Travel in France. Especially smaller villages in these areas are beautiful and easy to explore without stress. And of course, the Alsace region is simply stunning.

2. Italy

View of the ocean and dozens of buildings built on a hill with tropical flowers.
Positano Resort in Italy

Another great European slow-travel destination is Italy. Italy is extremely Slow Travel friendly because Italians are just as relaxed about life, but a tad more welcoming than Frenchmen. Italians love having you in their restaurants, chatting with you in a cafe, and offering tips and insights into their culture.

Italian cuisine is famous and you will find many authentic dishes wherever you go. Try exploring the smaller Trattorias over bigger, touristic places and you will have a great authentic food experience.

Life in Italy is, just like in France, more about enjoyment than work and the hustle. Immersing yourself fully into the Italian culture will teach you the values of family, enjoyment, and pleasure over money and goals.

Italy is also a great Slow Travel destination because it is relatively cheap and pretty safe. You can rent great houses in the countryside and explore off the beaten path without trouble. 

An amazing place to explore in Italy for your Slow Travel dreams is Tuscany or the Piemonte in Northern Italy. Naples is also a lovely place to stroll around in.

Avoid Rome for your Slow Travel vacation – or try going in the off-season. It can get too crowded and rushed in summer there. 

Venice is amazing off-season as well. I wouldn’t recommend going in high season though.

3. Greece

Panoramic view of a village built on a peninsula surrounded by a transparent bay lagoon.
Assos Village, Kefalonia, Greece

Greece is a lovely European Slow Travel destination for many reasons. The beautiful landscape is extremely inviting and will make you feel like sitting down and staring at the ocean all day.

Another beautiful thing about Greece is the happy attitude of the locals. They are extremely friendly and inviting, even in the most touristic places. They tend to not take life too seriously and are always having a good time.

Authentic Greek food is served everywhere – look out for traditional Taverns to get a great Greek food experience. They serve many products from local production, such as olives or tomatoes.

My favorite Slow Travel Destinations in Greece are the cute Aegean islands. While Mykonos and the famous Santorini have a reputation of being touristic, you can still have an amazing time there. 

For the ultimate Slow Travel experience in Greece, I would also recommend checking out some less-known islands, like Milos or Paros.

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4. Spain

A grand palace shines in the orange light of sunset.
Palace at Granada, Spain

Spain is another fabulous Slow Travel destination in Europe. 

The mentality of the people is very similar to the aforementioned countries, so you can really come to rest in a low-key, stress-less environment. The Spanish are also known for resting throughout the day (holding Siesta) and celebrating life in the evenings. 

The landscape and the culture of Spain are definitely worth checking out. Relax on the beach or visit one of the many impressive historical sites. Above all, Spanish food is to die for. 

Another thing I love about Spain is that it is so diverse. From the beautiful cities of Madrid and Barcelona to the stunning volcanic Canary Islands Tenerife or Lanzarote – Spain has so much to offer.

Spain is an amazing place for a road trip. Rent a car and drive down the Costa Blanca or explore Barcelona and the Costa Brava. You’ll have a great and relaxed time for sure.

5. The United States

Birds eye view of a desert city made of Pueblo-Spanish Revival buildings.
Santa Fe, New Mexico, United States

This might come as a surprise to many of you, but the U.S. is pretty suitable for a great slow-travel adventure. 

They have lots of space (so no huge density, outside the cities) for you to explore and find yourself. There are many amazing natural and historical sites worth visiting.

Especially the diversity in the landscape of the country makes it a great choice for your next Slow Travel adventure. Santa Fe, in the state of New Mexico, has been named the best slow travel destination in the U.S., closely followed by Charleston, South Carolina. 

Santa Fe and New Mexico have also been named two of the most romantic getaways in the United States. To see what others made the list, check out my guide to the 9 Most Romantic Cities in the U.S.

Another great thing to see in the U.S. are the National Parks. The White Sands National Park is by far my favorite. But make sure to also check out Utah or Arizona for some amazing parks.

Americans are in general very open and relaxed. They will chat with you and let you be a part of their culture. Plus, they’re super proud of their heritage and celebrate it many times throughout the year. 

Apart from the cities, the country is also relatively safe. So, make sure to check out the United States for your next Slow Travel adventure.

6. The Dutch Antilles – Bonaire, Aruba and Curacao

A small island in a lake between two large land masses
Goto Lake, Gotomeer, Bonaire

I have been to the Dutch Caribbean many times in the last years and I have always loved it as a Slow Travel destination. 

The people there are very relaxed and inviting and proud to show you their heritage. Most things there move very slowly, in a relaxed manner – perfect for a time out of the stressy Western mentality.

The most interesting thing about the Dutch Caribbean is its colorful history, which brings great diversity to the population, the buildings, and the food. You will encounter a happy mix of Spanish, Dutch, and Latin American influences. 

Apart from Curacao, the islands are pretty safe and you can explore without problems. Even Curacao is relatively safe, just try not to move outside of the touristic areas at night and alone. 

7. Australia

Elevated view of a picturesque sand bay surrounded by hills.
Wineglass Bay, Tasmania, Australia

Australia is another great Slow Travel Destination. The density in people there is extremely low, so you will not be rushed or pushed around.

People are super friendly and the country is beautiful. There are many natural sights you can visit and learn from. 

Australia is very safe and you can happily explore the country by car. The weather is good and the ocean is beautiful – what more could you want? 

Tasmania, Australia has also been voted one of the best Slow Travel Destinations in the world in the past, and I can totally agree with that. 

8. India

An ancient city built near the water.
Varansasi, India

India is a remarkable slow travel destination for several reasons. It came to me a bit of a surprise, since I imagined the busy and dusty streets of Mumbai at first.

But the country also has a rich cultural heritage that spans thousands of years. India is offering a unique experience to immerse yourself in – and not just visiting the Taj Mahal. 

The country’s diverse landscapes, from the majestic Himalayas to beautiful beaches, will provide a stunning area for a relaxed vacation – that includes a lot of exploration as well. 

India’s spiritual traditions and sacred sites offer an opportunity for introspection and personal growth, which is another part of slow traveling. 

The delicious flavors and spices of Indian cuisine are also a delight to the taste buds. Lastly, I felt like the warm hospitality of the people ensured a welcoming and unforgettable experience.

9. Japan

Village streets leading to a Japanese temple.
Hōkan-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan

Japan is an incredible slow travel destination for several reasons. Especially because many places in Southeast Asia and Asia are so busy and rushed, Japan stands out.

It combines ancient traditions with modern wonders, and that makes for a lovely experience.

What I loved most are the stunning natural landscapes, including cherry blossom gardens, and majestic Mount Fuji. But also places like some hot springs, offer a peaceful retreat for slow travelers. 

Japan has a rich cultural heritage. From traditional tea ceremonies to historic temples and castles, it allows you to experience some new customs and rituals. 

Japanese cuisine is renowned worldwide, but it is something entirely different to try it there yourself. Sample some delicious sushi, ramen, and other amazing dishes for a true taste of Japan.

The warmth and politeness of the Japanese people will help you find your way and not feel lonely.

10. Scottish Highlands

A mountainous landscape at sunset
Scottish Highlands

The Scottish Highlands are a fantastic slow-travel destination for various reasons so I needed to include them in my list for sure.

They offer breathtaking natural beauty, including rugged mountains, deep lochs, and picturesque valleys. You’ll have it all to yourself, and it creates a stunning setting for travelers. 

The region has a deep and interesting history and folklore, with ancient castles, historic sites, and traditional villages waiting to be explored by you. 

Slow travel allows you to fully appreciate the charm and tranquility of the Highlands, with many opportunities for hiking and walking around. You’ll also see some cute animals on your way.

The locals are also friendly and inviting, which is a must for any good slow travel destination.

Less Favorable Slow Travel Destinations in the World

While I love the countries listed above for slow travel, I would not recommend the following countries. Here’s why.

The Netherlands

Number one in my ranking of the worst Slow Travel destinations in the world is awarded to my current home country, the Netherlands. 

The country is extremely overpopulated and it is so hard to move around here freely. 

Everything gets crowded super quickly, and people tend to be very loud. Relaxation is hardly possible here. 

While there are many beautiful spots in the Netherlands to see, it is hard to enjoy them calmly.

If you do find yourself traveling to the Netherlands, I suggest visiting the countryside like Friesland or the Wadden Islands. The Netherlands have some beautiful spots, but you’ll need to work very hard to find them.

Austria & Germany

Second on the list of worst Slow Travel Destinations is Germany, followed by Austria. I have lived in both those countries for a while, and I wouldn’t recommend it too much.

The mentality in these countries is very much productivity-oriented. Many people value work over free time and are constantly stressed. You’ll have a harder time meeting locals who want to chat with you. Also, most people don’t speak English.

Outside the cities, things are a bit more relaxed. You can have some lovely experiences in the countryside. 

Make sure to check out the Rhineland Palatinate in Germany, or the Tyrol area of Austria. They are both beautiful, filled with traditions and history and friendly locals.


The last one of my least favorite Slow Travel destinations is Bali. 

While we are all constantly spammed on Instagram about how beautiful the country is (which it is), the picture can be quite deceiving. 

The traffic is terrible and moving around is super stressful. Many people get sick there easily and the living standards are not that great. 

Many beautiful spots are completely covered by tourists and hard to enjoy because of the masses. 

You’ll need to move outside the cities for full relaxation, and that is harder to achieve without prior knowledge. 

Completely Unsuitable Slow Travel Destinations

These destinations absolutely will not work for slow travel.

  • Mumbai, India: Mumbai is known for its bustling crowds, hectic traffic, and chaotic streets. Mumbai may be overwhelming for those seeking a more relaxed travel experience.
  • Beijing, China: The fast-paced nature of the city, combined with the dense population and heavy pollution, can make it less nice for slow exploration.
  • Cairo, Egypt: The bustling streets, noise, and crowded tourist sites in Cairo can make it challenging for slow travel enthusiasts looking for a more peaceful experience.
  • Bangkok, Thailand: While Bangkok offers a wealth of cultural attractions, the city’s vibrant and bustling atmosphere may not be ideal for those seeking a slower pace.
  • New York City, USA: The fast-paced lifestyle, crowded streets, and constant hustle and bustle of New York City can make it difficult for travelers seeking a slower, more relaxed experience. 
  • Manila, Philippines: The traffic congestion, noise, and urban chaos in Manila can make it a challenging destination for slow travel enthusiasts.
  • Marrakech, Morocco: While Marrakech is undoubtedly rich in culture and history, the vibrant and crowded souks, combined with the sensory overload, may not suit everyone’s preference for slow travel. 
  • Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam: The bustling streets, motorcycle-filled roads, and constant activity in Ho Chi Minh City may make it less suitable for those seeking a slower, more relaxed travel experience.
  • Las Vegas, USA: Known for its 24/7 entertainment, flashy lights, and non-stop action, Las Vegas is typically associated with a fast-paced lifestyle, making it less appealing for slow travel enthusiasts

Conclusion: How to Find the Best Slow Travel Destinations

I hope this guide was useful in helping you find the best slow travel destinations. 

The most important tip is, in my opinion, to go for less dense and hectic countries and cities. This will make your experience a lot easier. 

Countries like France, Greece and Spain are the ideal Slow Travel Destinations. They locals are friendly; the countries are safe, and it is scarcely populated. 

But also, Japan or the Scottish Highlands have proven to be great slow travel destinations. 

Places to avoid are big cities like Mumbai or Las Vegas, or densely populated countries like the Netherlands.

A woman sits on a rock overlooking a winding mountain road near the ocean.

Additional Resources:

Ready to Book Your Slow Travel Adventure?

Here are a few helpful services:

Booking.com | Find a comfy place to lay your head after a full day of adventuring.

Vrbo | If you’re looking for a more homey vibe, these rental homes might do the trick.

Expedia | Whether you’re looking for some wheels or a flight, you can find a way to get to your destination here.

Get Your Guide | Find local attractions and tours and book tickets to your excursions.

Viator | Another great resource for local attractions and tours.

TSA | If you’re flying, check out the TSA page to make sure that you pack to TSA regulations.

World Nomads Travel Insurance | Feel safe while traveling with simple and flexible travel insurance.

Do you have a special travel lover in your life? Check out my guide to the Best Travel Gifts for Women Who Love Adventure!


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