Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual
Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual
Are you manifesting something spectacular into your life? This candle magick ritual will amplify the energy of your intention so it becomes a part of your reality even faster.
Whenever I set out to achieve a goal, I want to make sure I’m throwing everything at my success. That’s why I love doing this candle magick intention-setting ceremony.
Setting an intention is more than just saying you want to do something, it’s making a commitment to doing that thing. Take intention setting just a step further by doing a ritual around your intention. Then, you’re not just making a pact with yourself, you’re making a commitment to the universe. So you can bet that you are gonna get the thing done.
What is candle magick?
With any kind of magick, the power is within you. The tools and rituals you use simply help bring that power out of your energetic space and into the universe.
Candle magick is a pretty neat type of ritual because it represents all four elements. The wax represents the earth, the melting wax represents water. The fire is obviously self-representative, and the oxygen that supports the fire of the wick is the element of air.
Beyond the basic elements, you can add herbs and oils to the wax to dress the candle to whatever purpose you need it for. For this intention-setting ritual, however, we will not need to do that.
By creating an intention-setting ritual using candle magick, you’re not only strengthening your personal intention to achieve your goal but strengthening the universe’s attachment to your goal as well.
What will I need for this intention setting ritual?
For this intention setting ritual, you’re going to need a few tools:
- A piece of paper and a pen
- A candle
- A lighter
- A cleansing agent like sage or palo santo
- Candle snuffer (optional)
What color of candle should I use?
For an intention-setting ritual, you can use whatever color of candle calls to you the most. You can also use color theory to help you choose the right color based on the type of intention you are aiming to set.
A green candle is great for intentions regarding money, prosperity, growth, luck, and jobs.
A dark blue candle is great for emotional healing.
Light blue is perfect for overcoming depression and gaining compassion.
Purple is a great color to get in touch with your femininity as well as represents intentions around ambition, success, and healing past wounds.
Pink is used for love, friendships, and relationships.
Red represents protection as well as passion, strength, and sexuality.
Brown is perfect for physical healing.
A black candle removes negativity and is great for intentions around healing serious health challenges.
White candles represent peace, protection from negativity, and are a perfect candle for a blank slate or new beginnings. I like to use white candles for intention-setting ceremonies because they represent the beginning to the new journey I’m about to begin.
What kind of candle should I use?
You’ll want to find one that comes in a glass jar and is meant to burn for a long time, like the devotional 7-day candles. You can find these online or at Wal-Mart.
How do I charge a candle?
Charging a candle means to cleanse it from previous energies it has encountered and to instill it with your energy and your intentions. Remember, your candle has passed through a lot of hands and environments before it made its way to your home, so make sure you purify it of those previous energies!
You do this by passing the candle through the smoke of sage, palo santo, or incense.
You can also do this with visualization. Hold the candle in your hand and visualize a teal light surrounding the candle and cleansing it of all past energies. Teal is a cleansing color that will remove impurities and previously attached energies from the candle.
When should I do the candle magick intention setting ritual?
Setting intentions can be a powerful action, so it’s normal to worry about doing it correctly.
Some say that setting intentions at the beginning of the day, week, month, and year are all-powerful times to create new goals.
It can also be incredibly influential to set goals during the new moon. The new moon is a perfect time to plant metaphorical seeds for your future, and this ties your intention setting in with the natural cycles of mother nature.
While there are many “perfect” times to set your goals, any time is a great time to set a new intention. You can follow as many guidelines as you like, but always remember, the real power is within you. So, whenever you choose to set your intentions, that is always going to be the best time.
Step-by-step how to set your intentions using a candle magick ritual
For this ritual, you will need to go to a private place where you know you won’t be interrupted, such as your bedroom or bathroom.
1. Prepare the space for the candle magick intention setting ceremony
Cleanse the area with your sage or palo santo. Be sure to cleanse the room, your body, the candle, and all the tools you’re using.
2. Visualize your intention
Close your eyes and visualize yourself completing your intention. Remember, your intention is whatever you are working to manifest. So, visualize yourself having already achieved this manifestation. Try to do this with as much detail as possible, spending 5-10 minutes in meditation.
3. Set your intention
Write your intention on the piece of paper. Take your time. Write from the heart. Be as detailed and specific, or as vague as you feel is right.
4. Say this incantation out loud:
“Thank you, Universe, for bringing me this wonderful opportunity to transform my life.
I promise to commit to seeing this intention through to the end.
I promise to commit to transforming my mind, body, and soul in ways that are necessary for this manifestation to come to fruition.
I promise to listen to your guidance and take inspired action as is necessary for me to accomplish my goal.
In return, I thank you for guiding me, providing me with what I need, and blessing me with all the opportunities that will make my dreams become my reality.
I surrender the How, When, and the Where, as I know these are not up to me, but the responsibility of the Universe, and I trust that my manifestation will arrive in divine timing.
I know and I trust that as I continue taking steps towards my goal, the Universe will line the right opportunities up for me in ways that I cannot even imagine at this time.
I am committed to trusting the process.
I know without a shadow of a doubt that my intention will become a reality and that life will unfold perfectly in my favor.
I thank you for the support you give me in this co-creation process as I manifest my intention, which is ___________________________.
I intend on this or something better, for the Highest Good of ALL involved.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
With love, I trust that it is already done.”
5. Light the candle.
Keep the candle lit AT ALL TIMES until it goes out on its own.
This could take several days, so be sure to practice proper safety. As silly as it is, I personally keep my candle in a bowl of water in the shower when I’m not at home, and when I am home, I move it to sit on my desk next to me as I work. Being able to see my candle helps anchor me to knowing that I am manifesting my intention and it is on its way to me now.
Once the candle is out, the ceremony is complete! Your intention is out in the world, working with the universe to arrive into your physical reality in divine timing!
Important Notes Regarding the Candle Magick Intention Setting Ceremony
If you don’t feel comfortable leaving your candle lit when you aren’t home (even in a bowl of water), then you can snuff the candle out with a candle snuffer or your finger when you leave, and re-light it when you get back. DO NOT blow the candle out, as this will blow away your intentions. Snuffing the candle keeps the energy within the candle’s glass, where it can be reignited when you come back.
If you would prefer to acknowledge something other than the universe (God, Allah, Source, Angels, Mother Earth, etc.) you are welcome to. You can invoke whoever you feel the most comfortable with.
Final thoughts on candle magick and intention setting
This candle magick intention setting ritual can be a powerful ally to helping you achieve your goals. But, at the end of the day, it’s just a tool. The real power is within you.
You have to take action in order to make any progress towards any goal. You can get the universe on your side, do all the rituals you can think of, but, at the end of the day, if you don’t take any real action steps, you won’t get anywhere.
Use this intention-setting ritual to help set you up for success. Use it to create a commitment between yourself and the universe that you will accomplish what you set out to do. But don’t use it as an excuse not to take action.
In order to go places you’ve never been before, you must do things you’ve never done before. You must take action in order to accomplish any goal.
Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources
Beginner’s Guides:
Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams
We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?
Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones
Manifestation Rituals:
7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life
5 Gratitude Rituals That Will Help Raise Your Vibration
Manifest Money:
How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset
Books to Grow Your Mindset:
These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.
Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein
Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle
Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.