A woman stands, facing the ocean, with her arms spread out wide.

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

We are all on a journey to live our best lives and these manifestation rituals will help you do just that.

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What is manifestation?

A close up on a journal on a table next to a coffee mug. A woman's hand reaches to turn the page.

Nowadays, manifestation is much more socially accepted than it used to be. As science continues to prove its existence, and more and more people begin to consciously witness manifestation in their own lives, the world is starting to wonder how we can get manifestation to work for us so we can achieve our dreams.

Well, you’re in luck. Because manifestation is not something you just do. It is something you are always doing, consciously or subconsciously.

Manifestation is when something that once only existed in your imagination becomes a part of your physical reality.

It is the phenomenon that occurs when you become a vibrational match to something and therefore pull that something into your life. 

You are always manifesting. The life you are living right now, in this moment, was a reality that past you manifested. The life you live in the future will be a reality that present you manifests for future you.

Get it?

So, let’s make sure we manifest the reality we want, okay?

A table is crowded with various items including candles, pearls, perfume bottles and tarot cards. Text below the image reads "7 manifestation rituals that will change your life. Adventuringdreamers.com"

What are manifestation rituals?

You already contain all the power you need to manifest the life of your dreams. But, sometimes we need a little help controlling that power. That’s where manifestation rituals come in. 

Manifestation rituals are practices and techniques we use to help us during the manifestation process. They help us get clear on our goals, let go of limiting beliefs holding us back from achieving our goals, and help us remember that manifestation is a co-creative process between us and the universe.

So, with that in mind, here are 7 manifestation rituals you can use throughout the manifestation process to help you change your life and achieve your dreams!

Manifestation rituals to help you get clear on your desires

The first step in the manifestation process is to get clear on what you want to manifest. If you don’t know what your desires are, you’re going to send mixed signals to the universe and end up with mixed results.


A process that really helps me with getting clear and defining my goals is to journal it out. I even have a specific journal I use only for this, and I recommend you do the same. Paper and words hold onto energy, so imagine how powerful a book full of your intentions will be!

Sometimes, we have absolutely no idea what we want to manifest. That’s where finding some really excellent journal prompts can help you find clarity.

Here are a few to get you started:

  • What truly motivates me in life?
  • On a scale of 1-10, how satisfied am I in my career? How satisfied am I with my relationships? With my health?
  • If one thing were to change for the better this year that would affect everything else in my life like a domino, what would that thing be?
  • If nothing were to change, would I be happy with the way my life looks a year from now? Five years from now? If not, why not?

A woman journals on a couch.

Manifestation rituals for intention setting

Once you’re clear on your goals, doing a ritual for intention setting can be super powerful. This will bind you to your intentions as you make a contract with the universe that you will see your goals through to the end.

Candle magick

A ritual that I love for intention setting is doing a bit of candle magick. I love any time I can incorporate magick into my practice. It always makes me feel more connected with the universe, not to mention a total badass!

Candles can be powerful manifestation tools because they connect you with the four elements. Air feeds the flames of the candle, earth is represented by the candle’s wax, water is represented from the melting wax, and fire is, obviously, from the flame at the wick.

To use candle magick for intention setting, first get clear on your intention. Then, say it out loud to the universe before lighting a candle and leaving it lit until it burns out on its own. Now, your intention is out in the world, co-creating with the universe to bring you your manifestation in divine timing!

I wrote an entire article instructing step-by-step how to do one of my favorite candle magick intention setting rituals. You can check it out here!

A white candle burns alone on a table.

Manifestation rituals to help you work through limiting beliefs

Part of the manifestation process is to identify and work through your limiting beliefs. We all have these beliefs stuck in our brains that hold us back from our dream lives. If we didn’t have these, we’d be living that dream life already. 

As you get closer to your manifestation, you’re going to recognize these limiting beliefs as they pop up. They might show up as a little voice in your head telling you why you can’t have what you desire.

I’ll tell you right now, that little voice is full of bullshit. 

You absolutely, 100% can have whatever you desire, and what’s more, you deserve it. 

So here’s how we’re going to fight back and stomp out those limiting beliefs.

Rage dancing

This manifestation ritual is a total blast, and a workout at the same time!

Rage dancing is exactly what it sounds like. You’re gonna dance, and you’re gonna get mad about it.

Step one— Find someplace private with a lot of space to move around.

Step two— Pick a song you love with a fast beat. One example you can use is ‘Shake It Off’ by Taylor Swift. I’m not really a Swiftie, but this is a great song to “shake off” those limiting beliefs. But this can be any song.

Step three— Get mad. And I mean it. Think of those limiting beliefs. All those negative thoughts and feelings that are holding you back from your dream reality. They’re holding you back goddammit! This is no time for that “always be positive” B.S. This is the time to get MAD!

Step four— Start dancing! RAGE DANCING! Jump, spin, shake, kick, punch the air, punch a pillow, scream! Just keep moving. Whatever you do, don’t stop moving. 

Step five— Keep moving for 3-10 minutes.

Rage dancing helps release trauma from the body. It’s going to get your adrenaline pumping, and it will activate your vagus nerve which helps reduce emotions like anxiety, frustration, nervousness, fear, and anger. So it’s a great way to purge those limiting beliefs and get you back on track to manifesting those goals!

A woman leaps through the air on a beach at sunset.

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Manifestation rituals that will inspire you to take action

A key step in the manifestation process is to take inspired action toward your goals. There is a big difference between taking action just to act and taking inspired action, which comes from the higher self. 

Hustle culture likes to promote busy, messy action. This can often lead to burnout and even take you further away from your goal. When manifesting a desire, make sure you’re taking inspired action. This might not always seem the most logical, but trust that the universe has its ways and it is leading you directly to your desire.


It can be hard to know what type of inspired action to take when your brain is full of a million different thoughts pulling you in multiple directions. That’s why meditation is the perfect manifestation ritual to help you take inspired action.

Find a quiet space where you can sit without interruption for 10-20 minutes and practice letting go of your thoughts. The point isn’t to stop thinking completely (that would be impossible), but to let go of attachment to your thoughts and quiet your mind so the universe can inspire you on what to do next.

I’ll be writing a post soon with more tips on how to meditate, so keep an eye out for that! 

A woman meditates on her bed.

Manifestation rituals that will anchor you to your goal

When we’re manifesting something that is important to us, it is so easy to get wrapped up in how long it’s taking to come into our reality. Having something that keeps you rooted to the process, that reminds you that your manifestation is coming and it WILL be here in divine timing can be so helpful and reassuring.

Creating a physical anchor

I love having physical anchors for my manifestations. Last fall, when I was manifesting selling my house and finding an apartment in NYC, I bought a candle from the cutest little Etsy shop called Scripted Fragrance. The candle had a picture of the NYC skyline on it, so every time I lit it I was reminded how I was going to sell my house and move to NYC. 

Your physical anchor can be anything. It can be something that reminds you of what you’re trying to manifest or even a rock that you keep in your pocket that reminds you of your manifestation every time you touch it. As long as it is a positive reminder of how your manifestation is on its way to you already, then it’s a perfect anchor.

A green and silver necklace on a table.

Manifestation rituals to help with releasing the how

How your manifestation comes into your life is not a matter of your concern. That’s the universe’s job. But it can be so hard to release our attachment to the how. That’s why having a manifestation ritual to help with releasing the how can be so helpful.


Practice visualizing what your life looks like after your manifestation has already happened. Don’t try to picture how it’s happening, but picture how your life is changed now that you have it. 

Also, don’t get caught up on the term “visualization.” This can mean different things to different people. Some people might actually visualize images in their mind’s eye, but others might feel their visualizations instead. However, you visualize is the exact right way for you. There is no right or wrong way to do this.

Visualizing your manifestation will help your mind focus on the thoughts, feelings, and images of what life is like after you’ve already received your desire. It helps the brain get less caught up on the how and have more trust in the process.

Woman with eyes closed

Manifestation rituals that promote high vibrations

In order to manifest a desire into your life, you must match that desire on a vibrational level. Everything is energy, and all energy has a vibrational frequency that it moves to. In order to attract high vibe things like desires, you must keep a high vibration in your own energy field as well. 


Gratitude is a great tool to keep your vibration flying high. Here are some rituals to help you find gratitude in every aspect of life.

Gratitude rampage

Say out loud or write down as many things as you can think of that you are grateful for. Challenge yourself to think of 10, then 20, then 30. See if you can name 100 things, big and small, that you are grateful to have in your life.  

Create gratitude lists with a loved one

My husband and I love doing this together. I’ll start off by telling him five things I’m grateful for, and then he tells me five things. Then we go back and forth a few times until we decide to move on. Having someone to practice gratitude with is an awesome vibrational booster because not only are you raising your frequency but you’re raising theirs as well. 

Woman with eyes closed, hands pressed against her lips in thanks

Practicing manifestation rituals will change your life

While the power is in you (not the ritual), manifestation rituals can help you access that power so you can become aligned with the life of your dreams. 

Use these manifestation rituals to help you become more aligned with a high vibrational frequency, and support your unwavering faith as you wait for your manifestation to arrive in your life in perfect and divine timing.

A person reads a book in one hand and a tea cup in the other. Next to the book on the table are a pile of colored envelopes with a crystal on top as a paper weight. Text below the image reads, "These 7 powerful manifestation rituals will change your life."

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Manifestation Rituals:

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

5 Gratitude Rituals That Will Help Raise Your Vibration

Manifest Money:

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Wanna know a real-life way manifestation has changed my life? Check out this article I wrote where I describe exactly how I manifested the perfect NYC apartment.


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