
19 Photo Spots In Disney World’s Magic Kingdom That Are Unforgettable

14 Spectacular Photo Spots in Magic Kingdom at Disney World that Are Unforgettable (Plus 5 Bonus Locations!)

Make memories that last a lifetime with these 19 spectacular photo spots in Magic Kingdom.

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Ok, let’s be honest. Anywhere you take a picture in Disney World is going to be Instagram-worthy. You’re at freaking Disney World, after all. But if you’re looking for the absolute best photo spots in Magic Kingdom, I’ve got you covered. 

There is so much going on at any given moment at Disney World that some of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom slip under the radar. You could walk by one of these gorgeous backdrops and not even notice.

It would be a tragedy if you returned home from the Most Magical Place on Earth and found out you’d missed out on some of the juiciest photo opportunities at the park

That’s why I’ve compiled this list of 19 spectacular photo spots in Magic Kingdom that will fill up your Disney photo album and your Instagram page. (By the way, number 5 is my favorite).

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom

1. The Purple Wall

You know this wall. You’ve seen this wall a lot. The Instagram pictures of influencers posing in front of it, the TikTok videos of people replicating this wall in their homes. This is THE purple wall, and it’s an absolute must for your list of photo spots in Magic Kingdom.

The Purple Wall is a perfect example of how anything in Disney World can make a glamorous photo op. The Purple Wall was originally meant to be a background wall on the side of a building that didn’t see a lot of traffic. But then people started to notice how great a photo spot it was in Magic Kingdom, and now the wall has become sort of a celebrity in its own right. Disney even sells merch to match the angular design.

Location: The Purple Wall is located near the entrance of Tomorrowland on the side of the building where Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor and Buzz Lightyear’s Space Ranger Spin are. When you first enter Tomorrowland take an immediate right, and you’re there.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: The Purple Wall in Tomorrow Land.

2. Grass Hub

The Grass Hub isn’t just a superb photo op; it’s also one of my favorite spots in the Magic Kingdom. 

It’s a picnic area of artificial green grass in front of Cinderella’s Castle that is enclosed behind a little gate and blocked off from traffic. But don’t let the lock off fool you—anyone can hang out on the Grass Hub, and it’s the perfect spot to take a little breather after a long day of magical adventures. 

We came here in the afternoon after spending a solid eight hours running around the park. It was so nice to rest my tired feet and lay on the ground and star up at the sky while making shapes out of the fluffy white clouds, like Carl and Ellie from Up

Bring a picnic and relax between rides while people watching the folks who walk by. But don’t forget to take a few pictures. The Grass Hub’s location in front of Cinderella’s Castle makes it one of the best photo spots in the Magic Kingdom.

Location: As you walk toward the Castle from Main Street USA, you’ll see two enclosed grass spaces on either side of the walkway. This photo was taken from the Grass Hub on the left, which I thought gave a smashing view of the castle. 

The Grass Hub is surrounded by a little fence, but there are two entrances at the northern edge of the Hub and another one on the left side as well.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: The Grass Hub.

3. Wishing Well

You’ll feel like a princess as you make a wish upon a penny and drop it into Snow White’s Wishing Well. It’s one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom because this magical well is off the beaten path and away from the crowds. This means you’ll have plenty of time to take the perfect photo and try out as many whimsical poses as your heart desires. 

Plus, it’s a unique photo op that captures the castle in the background without capturing any other park guests.

Location: The Wishing Well is located on the Eastern side of Cinderella’s Castle on the walkway that leads away from Fantasyland and toward Tomorrowland. 

You can get here from Main Street by taking the top left walkway out of the Castle Hub and walking as if going to the Merida Meet and Greet between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. When you reach Merida’s stage, there’s a fork in the road. Take the path leading towards the castle, and you’ll be able to see the Wishing Well from here.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Snow White’s Wishing Well.

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4. In front of the Main Street balloons

Looking for fun and unique photo spots in Magic Kingdom? Try taking a picture in front of the Main Street balloons. 

Main Street is an iconic segment of Disney World (although, honestly, what part of Disney World is not iconic at this point?), and getting a photo with the Main Street balloons has recently become an Instagram phenomenon. Honestly, it’s a vibe, and I’m here for it. 

For this picture, you have two options. Option one: you can ask the balloon handler if you can hold the balloons for a quick picture. Option two: do as I did and take a picture in front of the balloons without bothering the balloon handler or the other guests.

I chose to take a picture in front of the balloons because the handler was pretty busy, and I didn’t want to wait around for a lull. I was at Disney, after all, and there was way too much adventure to be had.

Location: This one is easy to find. The balloons themselves make it hard to miss. Go about halfway down Main Street, and you’re bound to see someone standing on the side of the road peddling balloons.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Main Streat Balloons.

5. Garden by Town Square Theater

The garden by Town Square Theater is my favorite photo spot in Magic Kingdom. 

We stumbled upon this quaint little turn-of-the-century garden after we went into the Theater to buy me a set of ears. The garden is at the exit of the shop and is hidden in the very southeastern corner of the park. There is next to no traffic here, and it’s such a cute area to hang out in. 

The garden sits next to a covered walkway that provides shade and level lighting for the perfect photo setting, while the flowers make the perfect backdrop to show off a more elegant side of Disney. 

Because hardly anyone comes by this area, it’s also the perfect place for people who are a little camera shy. You can take all the time you need posing for pics in this gorgeous garden, and you won’t get interrupted by crowds of people like in the rest of the park. The Purple Wall mentioned above is also great for this as it’s a low-traffic area as well.

Location: The garden at Town Square Theater is located at the exit of the Town Square Theater shop, but you don’t have to go into the shop to get there. 

Instead, enter Main Street from the entrance on the right side and pass under the railroad bridge. Then, as soon as you come out from under the railroad, turn immediately right. The garden walkway is the first thing you’ll see when you enter Main Street.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Town Square Theater Garden.

6. Roy and Minnie Statue

There are two famous statues on Main Street, and I’d encourage you to get pictures of both of them if you can. But, if you only have time to get a picture with one of them, I would say the Roy and Minnie statue at the beginning of Main Street is the better of the two photo spots in Magic Kingdom.

The Roy and Minnie statue is less famous than the “Partners” statue of Walt and Mickey, so there usually isn’t as long of a line to get a picture in front of it. The Partners statue is iconic, which means that while it’s a first-rate photo spot, you’re also going to spend about 30 minutes or longer waiting in line to get a picture with Walt and Mickey.

While they’re not the stars of the show, Roy and Minnie are just as important to the Disney legacy as Walt and Mickey are. They’re the supporting roles that catapulted the other two into the spotlight, and the Disney brand wouldn’t exist without their help.

But when it comes down to it, the Roy and Minnie statue is easier to get a picture with because you’re fighting fewer people for the opportunity. But don’t be like me and wait until you’re leaving the park to snag the photo op. You’ll get a much better picture during the day.

Location: Located on the bench in front of the flagpole at the entrance to Main Street, USA. You seriously can’t miss it when you enter the park.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Roy & Minnie Statue.

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7. Cinderella’s Castle

This one is the “Well, duh” photo spot on the list. Of course, you have to get a picture in front of Cinderella’s Castle. Still, as popular as it is, it’s still one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom. It’s simply iconic.

Location: You’ll have the best chance of not getting strangers in your photos if you go all the way up to the foot of the castle for your photo op. Walk up Main Street, past the Hub, to the compass on the ground directly in front of the castle. That’s going to be one of the best photo spots for Cinderella’s Castle in Magic Kingdom.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Cinderella’s Castle.

8. Side of Cinderella’s Castle

Another one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom is to take a picture on the side of Cinderella’s Castle. It’s wonderful because the side paths that lead between the different Magic Kingdom lands are way less traveled, so you’re more likely to get a private photoshoot. 

Seriously, not a single soul walked by while we were taking this picture. And it’s a unique angle of the castle that is different from anything else you’d see on Instagram.

Location: Both side castle paths make for perfect photo spots of Cinderella’s Castle in Magic Kingdom, but this photo was taken on the path near Liberty Square. 

Leave the Hub of Main Street as if you were walking to Liberty Square, but then take an immediate right as soon as you cross the bridge. Walk down the side path toward Fantasyland, and you’ll find this photo spot about halfway down the walkway. 

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Side of Cinderella’s Castle.

9. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad

Way back on the edge of Frontierland is one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom. At the exit of the Thunder Mountain ride is a little lookout area where you can look across the water to Tom Sawyer Island. It’s a beautiful spot to take in the view and to take a few photos. 

This lookout is often unoccupied because Thunder Mountain is so far away from anything else in the park. The only people who come by are the ones getting off the ride, and they’re usually more excited to run off to their next adventure than to stop and take some pics. So it’s another super private photo spot that will leave you coming home with some pretty iconic photos.

Location: This photo spot is at the exit of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. You can get to it either by riding the ride and then finding the lookout toward your left as you exit. 

Or, if you’re not a fan of thrill rides, simply follow the path that starts at the entrance of the ride. Instead of going into the line, go right and follow the path up near the exits, and you’ll see the lookout on your right. 

Adventurer’s Note: Noticing a theme here? Most of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom are in beautiful areas less traveled by. This way, you have plenty of time to take pictures without worrying about a line waiting to do the same. And because they’re off the beaten path, you’ll come home with a bunch of unique photos others may never have thought about taking. 

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Big Thunder Mountain.

Related: Disney World Resort Hopping: What Is It and How To Do It in 2024?

10. Tron Rollercoaster

Tron is one of the newer rides at Magic Kingdom, released in the spring of 2023. It’s a super fun coaster, and I highly recommend it if you’re the thrill-seeking type of adventurer. But even if roller coasters aren’t your thing, you can still hop over the edge of Tomorrowland to snap a pic at one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom.

Now, I’m not going to lie. Getting this shot is going to be a little tricky. You want to time the snap so the camera also captures the roller coaster as it goes by. And that coaster is freaking fast.

I recommend watching the coaster go by a couple of times so you can get a sense of what it sounds like just before it comes around the bend. Then have whoever is taking the picture of you do burst shots so it takes a hundred pictures at once. This will be the best way to make sure you get the coaster in the background and don’t miss it as it goes by.

Location: Tron is on the edge of Tomorrowland, behind Space Mountain and Tomorrowland Speedway. Follow the path toward Tron Lightcycle Run as if you were going to get on the ride. For the picture, pick any spot along the upper half of the ramp where you can see the coaster.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Tron Rollercoaster.

11. In a candy shop 

This one is such a classic. And it’s super easy. Step one: pick a candy shop, any candy shop—they’re literally everywhere throughout the park. But I chose to go to the Confectionary on Main Street as it’s a candy paradise. Step two: Snap a pic of you choosing your favorite candy. 

It’s cute. It’s whimsy. And that, in essence, is Disney in a nutshell. 

Location: The Confectionary is the first store on the southern corner of Main Street. At the entrance of the park, walk past the flagpole area where Roy and Minnie hang out, and you’ll see it on the right-hand side, across the street from the Emporium.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: In a candy store!

12. Casting Agency Door

Main Street is absolutely stuffed with prime photo spots for Magic Kingdom. I’ve listed a few, but I’m sure you could find a hundred more just in this area of the park alone. Still, the Casting Agency Door is one of my favorites.

Location: This one was harder to find. I’d heard about the Casting Agency Door, and I knew I had to check it out. But it’s one tiny door tucked inside the chaos of a bustling Main Street. 

Here’s how you get to the Casting Agency Door: Make your way about halfway up Main Street, going toward the castle. Keep to the left side of the street and watch for Disney Clothiers. Once you see this shop, you’re going to keep walking but stay close to the building. 

The Casting Agency Door is tucked away between Disney Clothiers and Casey’s Corner, across the street from Crystal Arts and Main Street Bakery. If you’ve hit the entrance for Casey’s Corner, you’ve gone too far.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: Casting Agency Door on Main Street.

13. Tangled Flower Wall

While earlier I said to try and get your pictures done during the day for optimal lighting, the Tangled Flower Wall is a picture that looks magical whether taken during the day or at night.

Because the area is well-lit and the purples and yellows stand out in the dark, if you get to Fantasyland after the sun goes down (and many of the kids have gone to bed) like we did, you’ll still get a marvelous picture against Rapunzal’s wall. In fact, it’s one of the best photo spots in all of the Magic Kingdom.

This area of the park is just a restroom, but the Imagineers at Disney gave their all to make sure this restroom was the most iconic restroom in the park. It’s beautifully decorated, and feels like you stepped into the Tangled movie.

And while it’s surprising to hear, there’s more than this one photo spot in the Tangled restroom area. It was a little too crowded to snap more pictures, but if you go on a less crowded day, look around for more photo spots. 

Try standing on the bench in the square and leaning off the light post while your photographer captures the hanging lanterns as well as your cute pose. Or grab a selfie next to the flower wall in the women’s restroom. Like anything else at Disney, your only limit is your imagination.

Location: The Tangled restrooms are between Haunted Mansion and It’s a Small World. You’ll be able to see the spot from far away since it’s marked by Rapunzel’s tower. It’s on the left-hand side of the entrance into Fantasyland when coming from Liberty Square.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: The Tangled Restrooms!

14. The Mad Tea Party Teacups

Talk about iconic. A picture on the Mad Tea Party Teacups is about as classic a Disney photo spot as you can get. Not only is this one of the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom, but this could end up being one of the best pictures you snap at any of the Disney World parks. 

We tried to take this picture a couple of ways. First, we took a pretty and posed picture while we were waiting for the ride to start. Pretty. Posed. Boring. 

Then we took a few candid shots while the ride was spinning, and these turned out lovely. This one is one of my favorites from our entire trip because it’s so authentic. 

While smiling for the camera can be fun, this candid shot shows the true joy of being at Disney. And that, my friends, is what memories are made of.

Location: The Mad Tea Party is on the border between Fantasyland and Tomorrowland. Located in the center between Seven Dwarfs Mine Train, Tomorrowland Speedway, and The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Magic Kingdom Photo Spot: The Alice in Wonderland Teacups.

Cool off from the summer sun at Walt Disney World’s Typhoon Lagoon, the BEST Disney waterpark!

Unpictured Honorable Mentions— 5 More Amazing Photo Spots in Magic Kingdom

  1. The Partners statue of Walt and Mickey in front of Cinderella’s Castle.
  2. The Carrousel in Fantasyland.
  3. The Magic Kingdom Railroad Train.
  4. Gaston’s Fountain in Fantasyland.
  5. Be Our Guest restaurant entrance in Fantasyland.

Frequently Asked Questions About Photo Spots in Magic Kingdom

Where are the PhotoPass locations in Magic Kingdom?

Professional Disney-employed photographers are stationed throughout all of the parks to make sure you get the magical photos you deserve. They even have the ability to add a little extra magic to the photos by adding CGI characters with Magic Shots.

There are hundreds of PhotoPass locations throughout the parks, and there won’t always be a cast member stationed at all of them at any given time. They usually hang around the most popular photo spots, like on Main Street, in front of the Castle, or in front of popular attractions. You’ll recognize the cast members from their blue shorts or pants, white shirts, khaki photographer’s vest, and the big camera they hold in their hands.

Here are a few places where you might spot one of the Disney photographers:

  • In front of the Partners statue.
  • Up and down Main Street U.S.A.
  • Near the bridge on Liberty Square
  • In the Haunted Mansion courtyard
  • Near Pirates of the Caribbean in Adventureland
  • Belle’s Village Bridge between Bonjour Village Gifts and Be Our Guest

PhotoPass is the same service that takes the ride pictures, too. So, many rides like Pirates of the Caribbean, Tron, or Space Mountain take pictures of your shocked and wondrous faces so you can lock in those memories forever.

Where can you take a picture with Mickey in Magic Kingdom?

If getting a picture with Mickey Mouse is on your Magic Kingdom bucket list, then you’ll want to add Town Square Theater to your itinerary. Here, you can meet Mickey and snap a few pictures with the iconic mouse.

Are Disney Photographers Free?

Getting your photo taken by a Disney photographer is free, but downloading the photos and taking them home costs money. 

When we went to Disney World, we purchased the Memory Maker. It’s an add-on to your ticket that allows you to download and keep any picture taken at PhotoPass spots in Magic Kingdom or any other park.

Can You Hire A Disney Photographer?

Capture Your Moment is a service add-on at Disney World where you can hire a photographer for a private 20-minute photo session. The professional photographer will then take you around different photo spots in Magic Kingdom and expertly capture pictures you wouldn’t have gotten otherwise.

The add-on is $99 and does not include the price of the pictures, downloads, or gratuity. I haven’t done this particular service, but I’ve heard many people say they think it’s absolutely worth it, especially if capturing magical, professional photos at Magic Kingdom is high on your bucket list.

Photo Spots Magic Kingdom
Mikey & me! <3

Recommended Gear for Your Disney Adventure

The Essentials

Stay safe during your adventure in the sun. And make sure you don’t turn red before you’ve captured memories at all the photo spots in Magic Kingdom!

The Mickey Disney Bound

Disney doesn’t let adults dress up as famous characters because they don’t want children to mistake you for a character and ruin the magic for them. Fair enough. 

We Disney Adults have found a creative way around the “no dress up” rule, and we call it Disney Bounding. Basically, it means you can wear an outfit that alludes to a certain character, and you won’t break the rules. 

In my Magic Kingdom pictures, I did a Mickey Mouse Disney Bound. Or maybe it’s Minnie. The jury’s still out on that one. Either way, it’s fun and a creative way to make your Magic Kingdom photos unique to you and match your Disney style. 

You can do a similar Mickey Disney Bound with these items:

Magic Kingdom photo spots

Discover More Photo Locations At The Disney World Parks:

Additional resources for those ready to book their Disney World trip and capture the best photo spots in Magic Kingdom:

Ready to Book Your Trip?

Here are a few helpful services:

Booking.com | Find a comfy place to lay your head after a full day of adventuring.

Vrbo | If you’re looking for a more homey vibe, these rental homes might do the trick.

Expedia | Whether you’re looking for some wheels or a flight, you can find a way to get to your destination here.

Get Your Guide | Find local attractions and tours and book tickets to your excursions.

Viator | Another juicy resource for local attractions and tours.

TSA | If you’re flying, check out the TSA page to make sure you pack to TSA regulations.

World Nomads Travel Insurance | Feel safe while traveling with simple and flexible travel insurance.

Getting bit by the travel bug? Check out some of our other travel blogs here!


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