
Exploring Mount Beacon: The Ultimate Guide to Casino Trail

Hiking Mount Beacon Casino Trail and the Surrounding Hikes in Hudson Valley, New York

Mount Beacon Casino Trail is the perfect hike for someone looking for a challenging trek with a view just outside of New York City.

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If you’re looking for a hike you can day trip to from New York City, you’re in the right place. Mount Beacon Casino Trail is just one hour’s drive from Manhattan. This challenging hike gets your blood pumping, puts your legs to work as you trek up 1,000 feet over the course of one mile, and rewards your efforts with the most beautiful views of the Hudson Valley.

After moving from Phoenix to New York, my husband and I are always on the lookout for sublime new hikes for our weekend adventures. Most recently, we stumbled across the Casino Trail hike in Mount Beacon Park. Since it’s only an hour’s drive from the city, we decided to try it out, and we were more than satisfied with the results.

We were met with gorgeous scenery, steep trails that kicked our butts (in a good way), and super cool ruins from an old casino and railroad that are more than a hundred years old.

While we chose only to hike the Casino Trail, Mount Beacon is a playground with a variety of hikes catering to every skill level. From the two-mile out-and-back trail we did to a 7+ mile loop, there is something on this mountain for every adventurer. In addition to reviewing the best highlights of the Casino Trail, this blog also gives an overview of the other excursions waiting for you on this mountain.

So, lace up those hiking boots, pack your sense of wonder, and get ready for a Mount Beacon adventure like no other. The Hudson Valley’s beauty awaits — are you up for the challenge?

Pin: The Ulitmate Guide to Casino Trail and Surrounding Hikes.

Table of Contents:

Overview of Mount Beacon Casino Trail
Mount Beacon History
Mount Beacon Casino Trail Map
Hiking Mount Beacon Casino Trail
Other Trails on Mount Beacon
How to get to Mount Beacon Casino Trail from NYC
Preparing to Hike Mount Beacon Casino Trail
Frequently Asked Questions About Mount Beacon Casino Trail
Final Thoughts on Mount Beacon Casino Trail

Overview of Mount Beacon Casino Trail

Location: Mount Beacon Park
Trail name: Casino Trail
Distance: 2 miles round trip
Elevation: +1,000 feet
Difficulty: Intermediate/Difficult
Duration: 2+ hours

Mount Beacon History

Mount Beacon stands tall at 1,635 feet, towering over the Hudson Valley as the highest point in the Hudson Highlands. Because of its height, nearly 250 years ago, Mount Beacon was essential to George Washington in winning the war. It was on Mount Beacon that American soldiers stood waiting, ready to light signal fires to warn U.S. troops if British Redcoats should appear.

Beaconcrest Hotel & Casino was built on the top of the mountain much later during the turn of the 20th century. From 1902 to the 1970s, the steepest mountain railway in the world operated to take New York’s swankiest party animals to the casino and dance hall. You can still see remnants of this old railway system as you hike up the Casino Trail to the hotel ruins.

Unfortunately, the hotel burned down in 1927. The dance hall perished in the same way in 1968. A few years later, the incline railway was shut down. 

Now, we all have to get up the mountain the old-fashioned way — by hiking a mile’s worth of switch-back trails all the way to the top. Just like George Washington’s troops once did.

Mount Beacon Casino Trail Map

Whether you plan to just head to the Casino ruins and back, are adventuring to the Fire Tower, or aim to complete the entire 7-mile mountain loop, use this map for your reference:

Map of Mount Beacon including Casino Trail
Mount Beacon Park Map

Hiking Mount Beacon Casino Trail

The Mount Beacon Casino Trailhead begins a few yards down a gravel road, emerging from the center of the parking lot.

A gravel road runs through a wooded area.

The first few minutes of the hike will take you down this gravel road, through the trees, and into a clearing where you’ll catch your first glimpses of the railway ruins. 

Abandoned railroad tracks cut across a grassy area.

There is also a picnic table here in case you want to fuel up before beginning what is about to be a very steep trip.

From this clearing, you’ll continue on the gravel road until you come across a stairway that will lead you to the first part of the switchback trail. There is an observation deck at the top of the stairway that will be your first chance to take in some long-distance views.

A metal stairwell climbs up the side of a mountain.

It’s not too far after the stairway that you’ll find the first trail intersection. Make sure you follow the red trail markers to keep on the Casino Trail.

Warning: Mount Beacon Casino Trail Is Steep

The Mount Beacon Casino Trail is not for folks who want to avoid steep and strenuous adventures. After you continue past the first intersection, the trail becomes extremely rocky and uneven. You’ll follow a series of switchbacks that take you up 1,000 feet in elevation over the course of one mile. 

A rocky dirt path climbs up a wooded mountain.

Before hitting the road, I’d read reviews saying this hike was steep, and I’m telling you — these reviews weren’t lying. I highly recommend bringing hiking poles or finding a strong, thick stick in the woods to help save your knees on the way up and down.

Along the trail, several shortcuts slice through the center of the switchback paths. These alternate routes might be shorter in distance, but they make up for it by being even steeper than the switchback trails.

Mikey standing in front of one of the switchback shortcuts.

In addition to the rocky terrain, there are also quite a few slabs of rock. While these make pretty good resting spots, they can also be slippery, especially if it’s recently rained like it had when Mikey and I were trudging up the hill. So be careful!

A rocky mountain path.

The Hotel & Casino Ruins

Depending on your hiking speed, reaching the Casino ruins will take about 35-40 minutes. It took Mikey and me an hour, but we stopped for trail mix and bananas on the way up. 

You’ll know you’ve reached the ruins when you come across your second split in the trail about one mile into the hike. Take the trail that leads left, and almost immediately, you’ll be able to see the red brick of the Wheel House ruins poking out above the trees.

A ruined brick wall covered in graffiti.

Your second clue will be the gorgeous view of the Hudson Valley below.

A mountain overlook of the Hudson Valley.

Just past the Wheel House, you’ll find a large grassy and concrete area with amazing views of the Hudson River and the Newburgh Beacon Bridge. 

A mountain overlook view of the Hudson Valley.

The concrete is basically all that’s left of the old hotel, casino, and dance house. It isn’t much. But it’s still cool to stand someplace historical and imagine the lives of the people who once stood in the very same place during a very different time.

A brick wall ruin covered in graffiti.

It’s also a terrific spot to break out a picnic if you didn’t eat your packed sandwiches at the foot of the mountain. Mikey and I unwrapped our PB&Js here and sat eating in silence while taking in the magnificent views.

A river cuts through a valley dotted with houses.

Once you’ve had your fill of either views, food, or both, you’ve now got a choice for your next move. You could either turn your butt around and head back down the mountain the way you came. Or you can continue on the Mount Beacon Casino Trail all the way to the Fire Tower and beyond — more on that below.

Other Trails on Mount Beacon

Mount Beacon is a 15-acre park with access to miles and miles of trails across the Hudson Highlands. In addition to the Mount Beacon Casino Trail, there are two other routes you can take from the same parking lot. 

The first is a continuation of the Casino Trail to the Fire Tower. The second is a giant 7-mile loop that will take you to all the major stops before dropping you off right back where you started.

Full caveat: Mikey and I only went to the Casino Ruins, so the following is based on thorough research. Please use the park map above as a resource.

Casino Trail to the Fire Tower

Distance: 4 miles
Elevation: +1,400 feet
Duration: 3+ hours

Once you’ve had your fill of the Hotel & Casino ruins, make your way back to the main Casino trail. Instead of turning left to go back down the mountain, turn right to head towards the peak.

The terrain will remain as rocky as before, but you’ll begin to catch a break from the steepness as the trail begins to level out.

The Fire Tower itself isn’t marked by trailheads, so you’ll have to keep your eyes peeled for a trail intersection veering to the right. 

The Fire Tower is very popular, so you’ll likely have a crowd of people heading in the same direction to give you an idea of where to go.

Climbing the Fire Tower will get you 60 feet in the air above the peak of the mountain — the highest spot in the Hudson Highlands to take in the most spectacular 360 views of the valley.

Once you’ve taken in all you can see, it’s time to make your final choice in the choose your own Mount Beacon adventure.

The Full Circle: Fire Tower to Lambs Hill and Back to the Trailhead

Distance: 7.3 miles
Elevation: +2,400 feet
Duration: 4.5+ hours

After the Fire Tower, you can either hop, jump, and skip down the hill back to the parking lot. OR, you can continue on your merry way for the full 7-mile loop.

If you’ve decided to embrace your inner Andrew Skurka (National Geographic’s 2007 “Adventurer of the Year” and one of the leading authorities in the world on long-distance hiking), let’s get into how you can continue on the trail to Lambs Hill.

To descend from the Fire Tower summit, you’ll follow the white-marked trail back down, where you will find the red-marked trail again. You’ll make a right to continue down the Red Casino Trail route.

Keep a sharp eye looking for the yellow trail, otherwise known as Wilkinson Memorial Trail. It’s easy to miss if you’re not looking for it. You’ll find this trail at the end of the red trail, and you’ll turn left.

After catching a break from elevation after the Fire Tower, you’ll start to have to climb a bit. But don’t worry, as this trail won’t be nearly as steep as the Casino Trail from before. 

You’ll also get some exceptional views of the Beacon Reservoir as well as some lovely wooded scenery. 

You’re going to continue following the yellow trail markers until you come across the blue trail markers. This is the Dozer Junction, and you’ll only be on this path for a couple of minutes. Next, you’ll cross onto the Lambs Hill Trail, marked by white markers, and you’ll follow the trail left.

Following the trail to Lambs Hill will have you climbing up the elevation again for some spectacular views before circling around the hill and then starting the descent back to the parking lot.

Completing the Full Circle

Coming down from Lambs Hill, you’ll follow the white markers. These will lead you through some very pretty woods, and you’ll end up crossing a beautiful waterfall and creek called Dry Brook.

Soon after crossing the brook, you’ll come across yellow markers once again for the Yellow Trail. This trail will lead you uphill and to the left, back to the parking lot. 

If you miss this trail interaction — there are no other crossing trails leading back to the parking lot. 

You’ll have to follow the white-marked trail all the way down to Pocket Road and then walk along the street back to the lot.

As long as you keep a lookout for the yellow trail, you’ll be fine. You’ll eventually cross back over the red-marked trail, which should look familiar because this is where you started. You’ll follow the path back to the staircase and then down the pebbled path back to the parking lot.

Congratulations! Your Mount Beacon Loop adventure is complete!

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How to get to Mount Beacon Casino Trail from NYC

A rocky hike through a wooded scenery.

The great news is that Mount Beacon is only an hour’s drive from New York City. The even greater news is that it’s also accessible by train. So, no matter how you’re planning on getting to Mount Beacon —  by car or by train — Casino Trail is an excellent day trip hike.

By Car

My first tip for driving to the Casino trailhead is: Do not follow the address on Google Maps.

For some reason, Maps doesn’t take into account that you’re driving to the trailhead. Instead, if you type in “Mount Beacon Casino Trail,” it tries to give you directions to the intersection where Overlook Trail meets up with Casino Trail in the middle of the park. The public roads don’t actually go here, so the directions try to take you down a dirt road on private property, and you definitely don’t want to trespass.

Sometimes, Google needs a little extra help. Like an exact address or coordinates. 

Type in the name of the parking lot: “Mount Beacon Scenic Hudson Parking Lot,” the exact address: “Mt. Beacon Park 456-498 Howland Ave Beacon, NY 12508,” or the coordinates, “41.49371° N, 73.95976°W.”

You’ll know you’re in the right place if you see a big parking lot across the street from a blue-painted shop called Bob’s Corner Store.

Depending on the time of day, it should only take you an hour to drive here from Manhattan. However, if there’s traffic, it might take you closer to two hours.

By Train

If you don’t have access to a car or would rather take the train, then you’re in luck. Taking the train to Mount Beacon is also an incredible option.

Catch the Metro-North Hudson Line at the iconic Grand Central Station, and you’ll find yourself in Beacon in about 90 minutes. Plus, with an off-peak round-trip ticket priced at $35, it’s convenient and budget-friendly!

The train station sits a mere 2 miles away from the trailhead parking lot. On average, this walk would take about 40 minutes and can definitely be an option, especially for those looking to get in as many steps as possible. However, a much more convenient option — and one that will conserve your energy before this big excursion — is to take an Uber or the free shuttle bus.

To check the latest shuttle bus schedules and hours of operation, click here.

Preparing to Hike Mount Beacon Casino Trail

A rocky slope.

The Mount Beacon Casino Trail is not an easy excursion, and even though it will likely be an awe-inspiring adventure, it’s important to arrive at the trailhead prepared. 

Whether you stop at the Casino ruins or do the entire Mount Beacon hike, you’re going to face rapid elevation gain. So, gearing up properly and considering factors like weather and season is essential to the success of your hike and your overall physical health. 

Let’s dive into how you can prepare with the right equipment and knowledge to conquer the Casino Trail.

Gear and Equipment

Mount Beacon’s Casino Trail is not your mamma’s hike. This trail is rocky beyond belief and as steep as a roller coaster’s first drop. However, if you bring the right gear and come prepared, this hike will be incredibly rewarding. 

Here is a list of essentials to consider bringing on this trek:

  • Water bottle — Mikey got me this water bottle by Iron Flask for my birthday, and I love it. It’s insulated, stainless steel, and 100% leakproof, which fixes the problem I had with my last water bottle from a different brand. It’s also super pretty. We have the 64 oz. It’s big, but we keep it in our backpack, and it packs enough water for both of us.
  • Backpack — Speaking of which, you will want a backpack to carry your water bottle and snacks in. A durable and lightweight backpack like this one will do the trick.
  • Snacks — Potassium-rich foods like the nuts, bananas, and berries found in this trail mix are a fantastic way to prevent elevation sickness on a steep hike like the Casino Trail.
  • Nice tread hiking shoes — As mentioned above, the terrain for the Casino Trail is very rocky. So you’re going to want a nice pair of hiking shoes like these to help you maneuver around the jagged trail.
  • Hiking poles — I’d also advise gearing up with a set of hiking poles. These beauties will help save your knees from an early knee replacement. These poles from Montem will work perfectly.
  • MicrospikesIf hiking in the winter, then microspikes are essential. This trail is steep and it’s rocky. In the winter, it’s guaranteed to be icy. So make sure you’re prepared and put your safety first!
  • First Aid Kit — I also advise always hiking with a first aid kit. You never know when you’re going to need one. This travel-sized first aid set can be tucked away in your backpack and forgotten until needed.

Weather and Time of year

Mount Beacon is open year-round. That said, you should always consider the time of year and the current weather conditions before heading up the mountain.

If hiking in the summer, make sure to wear appropriate clothing bring sunscreen and a hat. If hiking in the winter, make sure to dress in layers and bring your microspikes.

Check the weather before you leave home. If there is a chance of dangerous weather conditions like a thunderstorm or snowstorm, it’s probably best to stay home and hike another day.

And no matter what time of year you’re hiking, always bring water. Bring lots of water.

Frequently Asked Questions About Mount Beacon Casino Trail

A ruined building covered in graffiti.

Now that we’ve covered the trails available on Mount Beacon let’s dive into some frequently asked questions about the Casino Trail.

How Hard Is the Mount Beacon Casino Trail Hike?

The Mount Beacon Casino Trail is considered to be an intermediate or difficult-level hike. It’s steep and rocky, and you’re going to gain 1,000 feet in elevation in about a mile. 

That said, I saw all ages on the trail. Just make sure to wear shoes with a good grip and be prepared to give your legs a solid workout. Warning: they may feel like jelly after you come back down the mountain.

How Long of a Hike Is Mount Beacon Casino Trail?

The Mount Beacon Casino Trail should take about two hours to complete. 

However, the duration of the hike will depend on the type of adventure you choose to have. It took Mikey and me roughly three hours to complete the hike. But we stopped along the way up and then relaxed at the top and explored the ruins. Others might finish the hike in a little over an hour if dilly-dallying in nature is not part of their plan.

Are There Bathrooms Nearby?

Yes. There are two porta-potties in the parking lot next to the trailhead. 

Although, be warned: I’m not sure how often they clean these out. When I went to use them, both facilities were filled to the brim, and I opted to pee in the woods instead. 

Can You Drive To The Mount Beacon Casino Ruins?

No, it’s illegal to drive to the Mount Beacon Casino Ruins.

However, I was surprised to find this out. When we visited, there was a group of people on ATVs and motorbikes parked on the concrete ruins of the old hotel dance hall. 

As it turns out, it’s illegal to drive any type of vehicle in the park. I guess the people I saw either didn’t know that or were ignoring the law.

What Was at the Top of Mount Beacon?

At the top of Mount Beacon are the Beaconcrest Hotel & Casino ruins and the Fire Tower. Both locations host fabulous views of the Hudson Valley below.

Can You See New York City From the Top of Mount Beacon?

I’ve heard that on a clear day, you can see New York City from the top of Mount Beacon. However, it was overcast and slightly sprinkling rain when Mikey and I went, and we couldn’t see the skyline.

How High is Mount Beacon?

Perched at an impressive elevation of 1,635 feet, Mount Beacon proudly claims its title as the highest point of Hudson Highlands State Preserve.

Can You Swim in the Beacon Reservoir?

No, you can’t swim in the Beacon Reservoir. And you probably wouldn’t want to if you could. However, there is a pathway that leads down the bottom so you can get a closer look.

What Are the Mount Beacon Park Hours?

The trails on Mount Beacon are free and open year-round from dawn to dusk.

Is Mount Beacon Casino Trail Crowded?

The Casino Trail is a popular one, so expect to run into people no matter what time you arrive. Mikey and I started our hike at 3:30 p.m. and it wasn’t overly crowded, but we did pass many other groups along our adventure. 

But that’s coming from someone from Phoenix who is used to hiking in or near crowded cities. I’d guess we saw about 80 to 100 people over the course of the three hours we were on the mountain. 

Final Thoughts on Mount Beacon Casino Trail

The ruins of an old wheel house building.

If you’re looking for a day hike that isn’t too far from New York City but will still get you connected with nature and even a little bit of history, then you might be looking for Mount Beacon Casino Trail.

Only an hour’s drive away, this challenging hike promises an adrenaline-packed ascent of 1,000 feet over a mere mile, all leading to the most jaw-dropping vistas of the Hudson Valley.

As newcomers to the city, my husband and I continually seek thrilling weekend adventures, and Mount Beacon’s Casino Trail did not disappoint. We were treated to awe-inspiring scenery, heart-pounding climbs, and captivating relics from days gone by.

While our exploration focused on the Casino Trail, Mount Beacon offers a variety of hikes, from a manageable two-mile round trip to an exhilarating 7+ mile loop.

With this information at your fingertips, you’re well-prepared to conquer the Mount Beacon Casino Trail and explore the wonders of this remarkable region. So, set forth, conquer the heights, and savor the unparalleled beauty of the Hudson Valley!

Happy Trails!

Pin: Exploring Mount Beacon The Ulitmate Guide to Casino Trail

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Additional Resources:

Ready to Book Your NY Trip?

Here are a few helpful services:

Booking.com | Find a comfy place to lay your head after a full day of adventuring.

Vrbo | If you’re looking for a more homey vibe, these rental homes might do the trick.

Expedia | Whether you’re looking for some wheels or a flight, you can find a way to get to your destination here.

Get Your Guide | Find local attractions and tours and book tickets to your excursions.

Viator | Another great resource for local attractions and tours.

TSA | If you’re flying, check out the TSA page to make sure that you pack to TSA regulations.

New York City Attraction Pass | Save 40% at 5 major New York City attractions, including the Empire State Building and the Statue of Liberty.

World Nomads Travel Insurance | Feel safe while traveling with simple and flexible travel insurance.

Heading to New York City soon? Check out the 72 Best Things To Do In NYC At Night.


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