Manifestation Meditation: A Guide to Attracting Your Desires

This guest post was written by Sophia Marlowe from Enhanced Meditation — a meditation app dedicated to personal, professional, and spiritual growth with carefully designed guided meditations and bits of advice prepared with extensive research.

Have you ever tried using meditation to manifest your desires?

Meditation is one of the best ways you can attract your desires into your reality. It’s almost like pulling your desires from space within you that’s directly connected to the universe.

Some factors of manifestation meditation make them more powerful compared to regular meditations.

Let’s dive deeper into the concept of this powerful meditation technique. In this article, you will learn how to do manifestation meditation and why it works. Also, the core differences between manifestation meditation and regular meditation.

a woman sits in a manifestation meditation on her bed

What is Manifestation Meditation? 

Manifestation meditation is a type of meditation that uses the principles of the law of attraction and takes advantage of deeper stages of meditation.

When you get into the deeper stage of meditation, your brain becomes more susceptible to the information it’s receiving. So, the technique used in manifestation meditation makes it easy for your desired messages to reach the deeper parts of your mind and belief system.

Core Components: Visualization, Affirmations, Gratitude, Letting Go 

The core components of manifestation meditation include visualization, affirmations, gratitude, and letting go.

First, you visualize any desire you’d like to manifest through this meditation. After that, in the same meditative state, tell yourself positive affirmations related to your specific desire. 

Next, you will move on to express gratitude as if what you desire is already yours or already on the way to reach you.

Letting go is the last step. It’s important to let go so that you don’t overthink about the results or how they will manifest or not manifest.

This may seem like the usual process of using visualization as a manifestation technique. What makes it different is the step-by-step process and combination of affirmation, gratitude, and letting go. It all makes it a meditative ritual to send your desires and goals to the universe.

Let’s dive into the details of manifestation meditation and how you can use it to manifest any of your desires.

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Step-By-Step Guide For Manifestation Meditation

a woman sits in meditation on a rock in nature

You need to prepare a cozy space that can help you feel safe and comfortable to start the manifestation meditation.

It’s important that you feel safe and comfortable enough to relax completely and let go of any stress. 

You can also get some manifestation candles related to your desires. For example, a green color scented candle for money, red for love, yellow for happiness, and white for positivity. If you plan on using a candle for meditation, then let that candle burn completely, representing letting go and making space for a new thing.

➡️ Learn how to do an awesome intention-setting ritual using candles to help secure your manifestation.

Now, let’s get to the step-by-step guide for manifestation meditation!

Setting Your Intention 

Just like any other manifestation technique, setting the intention and a clear manifestation goal is also important for meditation to work. When you have a clear intent, it becomes easy to let it out into the universe.

For example, if you desire money, then make it clear that you desire money.

Spend a few moments to think about what it is that you desire. This will help you gain clarity and also help you act when the universe sends an opportunity your way.

Focusing on Your Breath 

This step is crucial to help you calm down and get focused and ready for visualization. You can start by taking some deep breaths to relax yourself and let go of any stress.

If your body is feeling stressed and your heart is racing, filled with anxiety and doubts, then it’s best to wait it out before starting to visualize.

It’s natural to feel that way when you are manifesting something important, but it’s also not a good idea to take that energy into the visualization process.

So take your time in this step and calm yourself as much as possible.

Visualizing Your Desire 

The story and scenario you intend to visualize need to be in as much detail as possible. It’s because the more detailed it is, the more you will be able to feel it.  

If you manifest something that is related to a goal, then you don’t want to feel like you’ve already achieved the goal. It’s important because if your mind is convinced that you have already done it, then you might not feel motivated enough to take action to achieve it. 

So, be careful and intentional with visualization. You can also use a guided visualization or write down your visualization if you must.

There are many meditation apps around that also have spiritual meditations and visualizations, such as Enhanced Meditation. You can take advantage of them to guide you into visualizations.

Using Positive Affirmations

If you are using a guided manifestation meditation, many of them will already have affirmations included in the meditation. If you are meditating by yourself, then make sure to write down your or record your affirmations beforehand. 

It’s not a necessity to use affirmations while you are still in the meditative state. However, affirmations can reach your subconscious better when you are in a deeper state of meditation. It’s a lot like self-hypnosis to help yourself believe in more positive things.

Connecting with Your Emotions and Express Gratitude 

Sit with your emotions for some time after repeating affirmations.

All the emotions you have felt through are still going to be there. The process of experiencing and connecting with them will help you free yourself from the feeling of completion and not needing to do more or take inspired actions.

When you are connecting with your emotions, take some time to also express gratitude. The feeling of gratitude can also come from perspective to thank the universe for showing you a glimpse of what it has in store for you. 

It’s up to you to decide whether you want to experience this manifestation meditation as if your desire has already come true or if it’s something you are co-creating.

Releasing and Trusting 

Before you end the meditation, allow yourself to settle in with the fact that you need to let go. Here, letting go doesn’t mean letting go of the desire itself. It means letting go of the control. 

You can now be at rest knowing that you have done what you needed to do. Now the luck and serendipity part is in the universe or the powers you believe in the most.

You will move on with your time and days, completing all the other things that need your attention in the present. 

Letting go will also allow you to spot opportunities with a clear mind instead of anxiety.

The Purpose Of Manifestation Meditation Session

This meditation session is done to gain clarity on the intent, sending your energy out into the universe, and manifesting. However, there’s more to it; let’s find out:

Finding inner peace and clarity 

Meditation, in general, helps find peace and clarity, but it becomes more important for manifestation because of the complex emotions attached to the desire. When you use meditation for manifesting, it allows you to become more clear and release negative emotions.

Bringing awareness to your desires 

Meditation clears any confusion that may be associated with what you are trying to manifest.

It can help answer many questions. For example:

  • Is it something that is already in your control?
  • Or what is your part to play in the manifestation process?
  • Will you need to wait?
  • Is it something that is already in your destiny, and you are causing it to delay?

You might be surprised at the amount of insights it can provide related to your desires.

Improves Mindset and Outlook

Sometimes, manifesting your desires depends a lot on the mindset.

There’s a famous “red car theory”. Once a red car grabs your attention, let’s say you think about buying a red car. You go out, and you will be spotting red cars all around the road. The cars have always been there; it’s just you noticing the red color because you already had the red car in your mind.

The meditation to focus on manifesting your intention creates a similar effect on your mindset and outlook that helps you spot opportunities better.

Opportunities may have always been there. It’s your perspective and mind that blocked them out before.

Attracts Positive Energy 

Meditating on your intention to manifest your desires also attracts more positive energy. Visualizing positive things and letting go of negative attachments to the desire helps attract more positivity.

Additionally, connecting with your emotions and the feeling of gratitude helps amplify the existing positivity within you.

Manifestation Meditation vs. Regular Meditation: What’s the Difference?

A woman stands in nature, eyes closed, arms spread out wide.

The main difference between manifestation and regular meditation lies in the intent and technique. However, there are also more prominent differences between these two types of meditation.


The goal of regular meditation is to improve focus, clarity, and let go of stress and anxiety. It can also help a lot to improve overall emotional, mental, and physical well-being.

Manifestation meditation, on the other hand, helps you get closer to a very specific goal you want to achieve. For example, manifesting a job, success in your career, improving your relationship, and so on.

The level of intensity and focus

Out of these two types of meditation, manifestation meditation is more intense because it includes several components to it. When you do regular meditation, you will only be focusing on one aspect, such as mindful breathing or visualization, to help you calm. 

To sum it up, regular meditation is a lot simpler and calming, whereas manifestation meditation is intense because you are putting your energy into manifesting a tangible goal.

Final Thoughts: Meditating for Manifestation

Manifestation meditation can be incredibly effective when it comes to manifesting anything. It’s because it is a very immersive practice compared to regular meditation.

You can also try this meditation even if you don’t have any specific desires you wish to manifest. It will likely help you gain more clarity. 

You can use this meditation to manifest a better version of yourself and grow personally and professionally. It uses visualization, affirmations, gratitude, and letting go, these things help a lot when it comes to personal growth.

You don’t always need a goal or desire to try manifestation meditation. You can use it to meet your future self, heal your inner child, and manifest an abundance mindset; they all can be part of this meditation.

A woman sits on a rock looking over a lake to towering mountain peaks

Did you enjoy this crystal guide?

Learn more about different manifestation tools in our guide, Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones.

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Manifestation Rituals:

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

Manifest Money:

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

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