A hand holds a clear quartz crystal

Elevate Your Life: Use Crystals for Removing Obstacles

This guest post was written by Suzie Sandoval for www.allcrystal.com â€” a blog dedicated to researching, giving expert advice, and practicing with gemstones, minerals, and crystals.

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Looking to better yourself and overcome challenges? Ever wondered if crystals can help? They sure can! Using crystal energy the right way can help us break free from things holding us back.

People everywhere have used stones or gemstones for balance to help them. These stones can heal, give clear thinking, and strengthen us when life gets tough. They’re some of the best crystals for anxiety and worry.

In this guide, we’ll talk about how crystals can be used for removing obstacles. This blog will cover the different crystals and what’s special about each one. We’ll cover everything from crystals for emotional strength to balancing crystals and from stones for stress to clarity stones. 

We’ll also share tips on using these powerful stones to handle daily problems and improve your life. Whether about your health, clear thinking, or feeling at peace, this guide will show you how crystals can help.

a wooden bowl filled with clear quartz pillars is nestled between the leaves of a green plant

Crystal Basics: Exploring the Wonders of Crystals

People worldwide love crystals. They’ve been valued for a long time, not just because they’re beautiful but also because of their qualities. Ancient groups like the Egyptians and the Chinese saw crystals as healing and protective. They used these gemstones for balance in jewelry, charms, and important ceremonies.

Different groups had their ideas about what each crystal could do. For instance, many thought amethyst was a peaceful stone, while Quartz crystals were seen as crystals for clarity, helping to clear up one’s thoughts. 

Over time, some crystals became known as balancing crystals or stones for stress relief. These old ideas about crystals are still popular today, and many people use crystals for removing obstacles in their lives.

What Exactly are Crystals? How Do Crystals Work?

Crystals are more than just pretty stones. They have a unique way of interacting with energy, almost like tiny magnets pulling in different types of energy. 

Holding a crystal draws energy from things around it, whether the sun, the moon, or your feelings and thoughts. This is why some people turn to crystals for removing obstacles in their lives.

Think of crystals as energy helpers or balancing crystals. They’re not just passive; they actively take in energy and transform it. Imagine having a little helper inside a stone, ready to bring balance and calm to your life. 

That’s what gemstones for balance do! They’re especially known as stones for stress relief and crystals for clarity. When you’re feeling overwhelmed or confused, these clarity stones can be like a trusty friend, always there to help you find your way.

A person sits cross legged on the floor holding a clear quartz crystal while an assortment of other crystals are scattered next to them.

Empowerment Through Crystals: Navigating Daily Struggles

Crystals aren’t just beautiful; they come packed with unique energies to help us daily. They can make us feel more at peace, stronger, and confident. 

Think of them as helpful buddies, offering new perspectives and that extra push to tackle everyday challenges. They’re like balancing crystals that help us navigate the ups and downs, especially when looking for crystals to remove obstacles in our path.

Consider crystals as nature’s tools, always ready to help in removing obstacles and other challenges. They can make us feel relaxed, brave, and more sure of ourselves, acting as gemstones for balance.

Crystals for Emotional Balance

Our emotions are a big part of who we are, and we all strive to find a balance in them. Luckily, some standout crystals can be our trusty partners in this emotional journey:

  • Amethyst: Known as one of the top stones for stress, think of it as your calm button. It acts like a gentle touch, easing your emotions.
  • Rose Quartz: This is all about love and positive vibes. Whether it’s self-love or healing emotional scars, Rose Quartz offers a comforting hug.
  • Labradorite: Think of it as your emotional armor. It’s one of the crystals for clarity, ensuring you stay balanced and see things without the haze of negativity

Best Way to Maintain the Energy of the Crystals

Add a drop of lavender or sage essential oil to your crystals and gently rub it in. This cleanses their energy and gives them a calming aroma, enhancing their clarity stone properties.

Crystals for Stress Relief

In our fast-paced world, stress can often catch us off guard, making our days challenging. Thankfully, nature has provided us with balancing crystals that can be our allies in finding calm amidst the chaos. Here are three standout stones for stress relief:

  • Lepidolite: This is a gentle calming stone. Imagine it as a soothing breeze that helps you relax and release your worries. It’s a perfect gemstone for balance, ensuring inner peace even when stress scares in.
  • Smoky Quartz: More than just a pretty stone, Smoky Quartz is a powerhouse. It doesn’t just ward off negative vibes like stress; it transforms them into positive energy. When you have this crystal close, it’s like having a guardian that keeps your emotions steady and balanced.
  • Rhodonite: Facing stress or anxiety? Rhodonite is here to help. Picture it as a supportive friend, ready to give you the strength to tackle tough moments gracefully.

Best Way to Maintain the Energy of the Crystals

To keep these stress-busting crystals at their best, it’s essential to refresh their energy. Let them bask in the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours. This simple act recharges them, ensuring they continue to be your reliable partners in a stress-free life.

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Crystals for Clarity and Focus

Amidst the distractions of modern life, maintaining clear thoughts and a laser-focused mind isn’t always easy. Nature has gifted us with crystals for clarity that act as beacons, guiding us through mental fog and helping in removing obstacles. Here are powerful clarity stones that promise to sharpen your mind and boost your concentration:

  • Clear Quartz: Often referred to as the “Master Healer,” this crystal does wonders for the mind. It acts like a decluttering tool, helping your thoughts become clear and organized. It’s the ideal c choice when your mind feels scattered, and you’re seeking mental tidiness.
  • Citrine: This vibrant crystal is like a ray of sunshine for your mind. It drives away negative thoughts and boosts your confidence. When you’re faced with tough choices or need a mental pick-me-up, Citrine is there to light the way.
  • Fluorite: Imagine Fluorite as your brain assistant. It aids clear thinking and organizes thoughts, much like arranging papers on a neat desk. When tasks pile up, and you need to stay on point, Fluorite ensures you remain focused.

Best Way to Maintain the Energy of the Crystals

To keep these clarity-enhancing gems in top shape, let them soak up the moonlight or sunlight for a few hours. This simple act revitalizes them, ensuring they continue to be your trusted partners in achieving mental clarity and focus.

Best Crystals for Anxiety

Feeling anxious can be tough, but there are powerful crystals that can help. These best crystals for anxiety are like comforting friends that help you feel calmer and more at ease.

  • Sodalite: This stone is all about peace. It helps calm your mind and can even help if you start to feel panicky.
  • Black Tourmaline: Think of this as your shield. It keeps away bad vibes and helps you feel safe and secure.
  • Larimar: Some people call this the “Stress Relief Stone.” It’s great for calming down strong feelings and helping you find calm.
  • Chrysocolla: This gentle stone helps you understand and talk about your feelings better. 
  • Aquamarine: Just like the calm sea, this stone helps wash away your worries and makes things clearer for you

Best Way to Maintain the Energy of the Crystals

To keep these crystals that help with anxiety working well, let them sit in the moonlight overnight every once in a while. This gives them a fresh start, ready to help you again.

Crystals for Positive Relationships

We value positive and meaningful relationships in our busy environment. Crystal healing can help you build healthy relationships and understanding with three gemstones.

  • Amazonite: It’s a gemstone for balancing emotions and making conversations easier. When you use it, you’ll find that it reduces conflicts and helps you be your true self in relationships.
  • Selenite: It cleans up the bad vibes around you, making it a gemstone for balance. When your surroundings are full of positivity, it’s easier to get along with others and have good interactions.
  • Rhodonite: By enhancing empathy and compassion,  this crystal reduces anxiety and stress because it helps you connect with people better. When you use it, your relationships become more meaningful and peaceful. 

Best Way to Maintain the Energy of the Crystals

These crystals are like little helpers that make life smoother. They help you balance your feelings, create a positive atmosphere, and deeply connect with others.

A table holding a candle inside a candle melt holder, incense in a cup, a book, and crystals in demonstration of crystals for removing obstacles.

Alternative Way to Charge and Cleanse Your Crystals

Crystals absorb energies from their surroundings, and over time, they can become “full” or “clouded” with these energies. To ensure they remain effective, it’s essential to cleanse and recharge them regularly. Here are five alternative ways to do just that:

Sound Cleansing

Use a singing bowl, tuning fork, or even a bell. The vibrations from these instruments can help clear away any negative energies stored in the crystal.

Natural Water

Gently rinse your crystals in a stream, river, or even under the tap. The flowing water helps wash away any stagnant energy. (Note: Some crystals shouldn’t be placed in water, so always check first!)

Earth Burial

Bury your crystals in the soil for a day or two. The earth naturally absorbs and neutralizes unwanted energies, giving your crystals a deep cleanse.

Smoke Smudging

Use sage, palo santo, or cedarwood sticks. Light them and let the smoke envelop your crystals. This ancient method is believed to purify and cleanse both objects and spaces.


Hold your crystal and imagine a bright white or golden light surrounding it. Picture this light removing all the unwanted energies and recharging the crystal with positive vibes.

A hand holds a clear quartz crystal to demonstrate crystals for removing obstacles.

7 Practical Uses of Gemstones in Your Daily Routine

Gemstones can be more than just beautiful jewelry. Integrating them into your daily routine can enhance your well-being and bring positive energy into your life. Here are five easy-to-follow routines to maximize gemstone benefits:

Morning Meditation

Kickstart your day with a simple meditation. Hold a gemstone or have one nearby while you sit quietly. Close your eyes, breathe deeply, and let the gemstone’s soothing energy help you clear your mind and set a positive tone for the day.

Final Thoughts On Crystals For Removing Obstacles

Throughout this guide, we’ve delved into the wonders of crystals for removing obstacles and enhancing various aspects of our lives. From finding emotional balance with stones like Amethyst and Rose Quartz to sharpening our focus with Clear Quartz and Citrine, these precious gems offer us a path to greater well-being. Remember that maintaining the energy of your crystals is key, and you can explore alternative methods for cleansing and recharging them. As you embark on your journey with crystals, embrace the positive changes they can bring to your daily routine, and let their healing energies empower you to lead a life filled with balance, clarity, and inner peace.

Did you enjoy this crystal guide?

Learn more about crystals in our guide, Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones.

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Manifestation Rituals:

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

Manifest Money:

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Want to learn more about how gratitude can help you manifest the life of your dreams? Read my guide on How to Manifest with the Healing Power of Gratitude.


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