A tattooed arm is stretched out, fanning out an assortment of dollar bills

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is well known for helping people calm their anxiety, but did you know that you can use it to help you improve your money mindset, too?

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Our money mindset is responsible for the way money shows up in our lives. Depending on your mindset around money, you may believe that money flows to you easily and effortlessly. Or, you might believe that money is hard to come by and only shows up with hard work or luck. Whatever you believe about money, that is what becomes your reality. 

A hand holding out a fan of assorted money with a text overlay that reads: How to use EFT to improve your money mindset. Adventuringdreamers.com

What you focus on is what you manifest

Your outer world is a direct reflection of your inner world. That’s because our beliefs shape our decision-making process, as well as the opportunities we see and what we believe we’re capable of. 

So, if you have a belief that you have to work really hard to make money, you might only latch on to the opportunities that make you work really hard. Or, you might self-sabotage if you think something is “too easy.”

So, how do we change our beliefs so that we can start to bring in financial success?

Figuring out your money blocks

The first step to creating a positive money mindset is acknowledging the beliefs you currently have. Negative beliefs about money are known as money blocks. They’re beliefs that hold you back from achieving financial success. Here are a few ways you can figure out what your money blocks are:

Make a list of your money memories 

This is a journal exercise where you write down every memory around money that you can think of. 

Start with your childhood and write down anything you remember your parents, grandparents, or other prominent adults in your life saying about money. Write down any experiences you witnessed your parents having with money. Did you ever witness someone close to you losing a job or going bankrupt? Did your parents ever argue over money? If so, what did they argue about? 

Once you’ve got all the memories you can think of from your childhood, move up to the money memories of your teenage years and your adulthood. Were you ever fired from a job? Maybe you were denied a raise you once asked for?

After you’ve made your list of money memories, look over it and see if there are any patterns that show up. If there are any themes that have shown up more than once, these may have engrained themselves in your mind as a money belief and become part of your money mindset.

Ask yourself what money traumas you’re currently dealing with

What is currently going on in your life that is inspiring you to work on your money mindset? Has anything happened recently that made you think that you need to get your financial life in order? What habits do you have around money? Are there any common sayings that you find yourself thinking about money?

Take a look at your current reality

Looking at your current reality is a great way to figure out what your money mindset looks like. Since we live in a reflection of our inner world, our outer world shows us exactly what sort of beliefs we really have.

Take a look at the different aspects of your financial life, like your home, your car, your job, and your paycheck. Ask yourself, what must someone who has this [home, car, job, etc.] feel about money?

For example, if you have been driving the same run-down, barely working, duct-taped all over car for the past ten years you might have the belief that you have to get by on the bare minimum. Or that you’re not worthy of having nice things. Maybe you believe there’s honor in making do with what you have instead of upgrading to something new, even if it means you’re embarrassed to be seen on the road.

A clear, glass vase with a raffia bow is tipped over and an abundance of pennies have fallen out.

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

After you have a good understanding of what your money blocks are, you can use EFT to neutralize and replace these beliefs. 

Emotional Freedom Technique, also known as EFT or Tapping, is an acupressure exercise that stimulates certain meridian points around the body. Putting pressure on these points both calms down the nervous system as well as releases low-vibrational energy created by limiting beliefs. In other words, tapping will help you release money blocks and improve your overall money mindset. I’ll explain how to tap below, but to see a visual here’s a video of one of my favorite EFT experts, Brad Yates, explaining how to tap. 

Neutralize your money blocks with tapping

There are 9 meridian points in the basic tapping exercise:

  • KC= The karate chop point (on your hand).
  • TH= The top of the head.
  • TE= The third eye.
  • SE= The side of your eye.
  • UE= Under your eye.
  • UL= The upper lip.
  • CH= The chin.
  • CB= The edge of your collar bone.
  • UA= Under the arm (ribcage).

To tap, you’ll use the tips of the fingers on your dominant hand and tap on the meridian points in the order listed above. You don’t have to tap so hard that you give yourself a bruise, but you want to tap hard enough that you feel the pressure. (Again, watch this video to see exactly how to tap).

As you tap, you’ll read your list of money blocks that you’ve curated from one of the exercises listed above. Combining the script with the acupressure of tapping will help you neutralize and replace these beliefs. Typically, what I do is say one money block per tapping point.

A woman in a blue dress holds an overly large pink piggy bank.

Ten steps to clearing your money blocks and using EFT to improve your money mindset

This sample tapping script will give you an idea of how to create your own script based on your money blocks. 

Before you begin, understand that you are in complete control of your emotional wellbeing. Take full responsibility for your emotions. Tapping can uncover buried feelings, emotions, and past traumas that might come up for healing. Honor and love yourself for beginning this healing journey, and if you find that you need additional help from a coach or a therapist, accept the responsibility of reaching out to one.

Step one: 

Find yourself a quiet place where you won’t be interrupted for about ten minutes.

Step two: 

Take three deep, calming breaths to center yourself.

Step three: 

Evaluate your state of being and rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. Write it down so you can come back to it later and see the difference in how you feel. 

Decide a new number that you would like to reach instead and write that down, too. For example, if you are feeling very stressed about money and rate yourself at an 8, but you want to be a 3, write down 8 and 3.

Step four: 

Begin by tapping on the karate chop point three times while stating your overall belief. For example, “Even though I feel like I have to work really hard to make money, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.” State this belief three times while tapping on your karate chop point before moving on to the other meridian points.

Step five: 

Begin tapping on the remaining points while stating your money blocks and any other feelings that may come up while you tap. For example:

  • TH— “Even though I have to work really hard to make money, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • TE—  “Even though I don’t believe that money comes easily to me, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • SE—  “Even though I think you have to be lucky to make money easily, like by winning the lottery or another unlikely thing, and I don’t think I’m lucky, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • UE— “Even though money making opportunities seem to pass me by, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • UL— “Even though I think other people can make money easily but don’t believe that I can, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • CH— “Even though I work really hard for money and still don’t earn what I want, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • CB— “Even though I don’t think I’ll ever earn enough to do the things I want to do, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”
  • UA— “Even though I don’t believe I can make money from my passions or from doing something fun, I still deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

Step six: 

If needed, continue tapping on the same points for another cycle and state any more money blocks, thoughts, and feelings around money that come up.

Step seven: 

Flip the script. Start the tapping cycle over again, but this time we’re going to reframe your blocks into positive beliefs.

  • TH— “Making money is easy for me.”
  • TE— “Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.”
  • SE— “Money comes to me from many different sources and I am so lucky that money flows to me easily.”
  • UE— “I am constantly finding new money making opportunities that light me up.”
  • UL— “I am one of those people that makes money easily in fun and exciting ways.”
  • CH— “I earn exactly how much I want to earn and I always have more than enough in my bank account.”
  • CB— “I always have more than enough cash to pay my bills and do the things I want to do for fun.”
  • UA— “I easily make money from doing what I love and I have so much fun.”

Step eight: 

Take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Place your hands over your heart and say, “My thoughts and feelings are valid. These thoughts exist to protect me, and for that I love them. Even though I have these thoughts, I will not let them hold me back from my dreams any longer. I choose to lovingly let go of any thoughts or feelings that hold me back from my desires. I deeply and completely love, honor, and accept myself.”

Step nine: 

Evaluate how you are feeling and rate yourself on a scale of 1-10. Write it down.

Step ten: 

Compare your new number with your old number. Did you reach your goal number? If not, do another round of tapping. Sometimes it takes a couple of rounds to get to your goal number. If that’s the case for you, it is totally okay. With each round that you do, you are letting go of your money blocks on an even deeper level.

Happy tapping!

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Other Resources For Helping to Improve Your Money Mindset

EFT is a powerful tool that can help our brains reprogram even the most stuck thought patterns. It’s my go-to pattern-interrupter to get rid of unhelpful beliefs and anchor-creator for new, positive beliefs. However, I am also of the philosophy that when creating the life of your dreams, throw everything at it. And another great tool for changing mindset is books.

I love books. I am so grateful for all the authors who have poured their wisdom out into the world and shared what they’ve learned in order to help others. So, in addition to teaching how EFT can be used to improve your money mindset, I also wanted to share my top three favorite books that will help improve your money mindset as well.

(By the way, I am really not kidding when I say these three books literally changed my life.)

A woman in a blue dress holds an overly large pink piggy bank. Text overlay reads: How to use EFT to improve your money mindset.

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Manifestation Rituals:

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

5 Gratitude Rituals That Will Help Raise Your Vibration

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Want to dive further into Emotional Freedom Technique? Check out this guide on how to use EFT to reduce stress.


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