A woman with black pointed nails holds a coffee mug that says, "be happy" and writes in a journal

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

Beginner’s Guide to Manifestation: How to Co-Create the Life of Your Dreams

Manifestation isn’t something you can turn on or off. We are constantly manifesting and our lives are a direct reflection of what we’ve manifested. But, how do we consciously manifest in order to create the lives of our dreams? Keep reading this beginner’s guide to manifestation to find out.

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Welcome to my beginner’s guide to manifestation!

Since you’re here, my guess is that you’ve come across manifestation or the law of attraction and heard that you can use these forces to create the life of your dreams… And now you want to learn how to do just that.

Manifestation is becoming a lot more mainstream. More and more people are learning about this phenomenon and I think that’s fantastic! Maybe you first heard about manifestation the same way I did when I was 13, through the movie, The Secret. Or maybe from the book of the same title. In the last 16 years, the creator of both the book and the movie, Rhonda Byrne has taken the world on a giant quantum leap forward as far as awareness around the law of attraction goes. 

I think that’s amazing, but I also think she’s missed out on a few critical bits of information. Information so critical, in fact, that without knowing more of what manifestation actually is, people try what they see in the movie, and when it doesn’t work for them, they give up and call it all bull.

That’s why I decided to create a beginner’s guide to manifestation, as well as a blog that dives deep, deep, deep into the specifics of manifesting, to help you learn exactly how to co-create the life of your dreams.

In this guide to manifestation, I will cover some of the main questions I hear all the time, as well as how you can start implementing manifestation today to help you achieve your dream life.

So, without further ado, let’s dive in.

A Pinterest pin that reads: Manifestation. A Beginner's Guide to Manifestation: How to co-create the life of your dreams. Adventuringdreamers.com

What’s the difference between the law of attraction and manifestation?

Let’s start with the basics. There’s a common misconception that manifestation and the law of attraction are interchangeable terms. While they are related, they actually mean different things. 

Manifestation: noun— The event in which you co-create something with the universe that was once in your mind and bring it into your physical reality. 

Law of attraction: noun— A universal rule that states like attracts like. One of the many universal laws used in the phenomenon of manifestation.

Text reads, "Manifestation. Noun. The event in which you co-create something with the universe that was once in your mind and bring it into your physical reality."
Text reads: Law of Attraction. Noun. A universal rule that states like attracts like. One of the many universal laws used in the phenomenon of manifestation. Adventuringdreamers.com"

Manifestation is the act in which you create what you imagine. The law of attraction is one law out of hundreds that make manifestation possible. 

Co-creation is a term used in the metaphysical community that means to create something with the universe. Think of the universe as your partner in crime, your collaborator in your journey to creating life by your design. You each have your role to play, and once you learn more about manifestation, it becomes a lot easier to know which things you need to handle, and which things you can let the universe do for you.

Keep reading this beginner’s guide to manifestation to learn exactly how to manifest the life of your dreams.

How does manifestation work?

Let’s talk about science, baby!

I’m just going to give a brief outline of the science behind manifestation, because, while this stuff is fascinating, I could literally go on for hours. We’ll save that for a future blog post, shall we?

P.S. Don’t worry if all the science here goes over your head. It did for me at first, too. My advice is to look at the following as an introduction to the science behind manifestation, and, eventually, as you go deeper into your journey, it will all make sense.

Everything is energy

Like everything else in this physical universe, manifestation is based in physics. Einstein made scientific history when he showed an alternative to Newtonian physics and revealed that energy and matter are one in the same (E=MC²). 

E=MC² written on a chalk board.

When you take a physical object and observe it under a microscope, you will see vibrating atoms. If you break it down even further, you’ll see the electrons and a nucleus, which is made up of protons and neutrons. The distance between these particles is so vast that it appears atoms are made up of 99.999999—% empty space. This empty space is actually energy. Therefore, everything is made of energy. 

A digitally illustrated atom structure depicting the proton, neutron, and electron.

A brief introduction to quantum physics

In 1803, physicist Thomas Young conducted the two-slit experiment. This experiment showed how everything is pure potential and that atoms (the stuff everything is made up of) existed in infinite possibilities. It wasn’t until an observer was present that realities would come into existence.

This is powerful information to know because it means that the reality live in is made up of infinite possibilities. By being the observer in our reality, we are able to control which version we get to experience. Intentional manifesting is simply using these physical laws of the universe to our advantage in order to create the reality we desire. 

When I first started dipping my toes into the world of quantum physics, learning about this experiment blew my mind. I highly recommend watching this video by Dr. Quantum that explains the two-slit experiment in more detail.

The universal laws

The universe is made up of literally hundreds of laws that keep it working in perfect order. The most well-known of these laws are the law of gravity and the law of attraction. While gravity isn’t important to manifestation, the law of attraction is essential. 

Basically, the law of attraction means that like attracts like. Essentially, you are a magnet that sucks in things, people, events, and circumstances that match your vibrational frequency, aka, the frequencies you project into your energetic field through things like your thoughts and mood.

Despite its ever growing popularity, understanding the law of attraction isn’t enough to effortlessly manifest your every desire. Manifestation is a lot more nuanced than that. There are actually 16 super important laws to follow in order to access that ability.

I will 100% be making a post that goes deeper into these laws in the near future, so keep a lookout! In the meantime, I fully recommend Kathrin Zenkina’s Universal Laws Masterclass if you want to learn more now. (FYI, I’m not affiliated, just a big fan).

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How to manifest

The problem with The Secret is that it describes manifestation as a magical solution to all your problems without any effort on your part. And while, yes, manifestation is that freaking cool that one might feel inclined to call it magical, you still have to take some sort of action. Manifestation is a co-creation process, so that means both you and the universe have a job to do.

Decide what you want and take aligned action

First of all, you need to know what you want to manifest. Think of the universe as your waiter, and your life is what’s on the menu. If you don’t tell the universe what you want, it might bring you any random dish from the kitchen. Then, when you don’t like what you get, you have no one to blame but yourself. 

Get specific

The key is to get specific about your desires. 

But how specific do you need to get? What if you don’t know every detail of what you want? When you search the web for how specific is the right amount of specific, you’re going to get a bunch of different advice. Some people will tell you to get ultra-specific, down to the tiniest detail of what you’re trying to manifest. Others will say to just feel into the general vibe of your desire. I’ll give you a hint. There’s no right or wrong answer here. Get as specific as what feels good to you and the universe will understand exactly what you mean.

A journal with crystals, a fountain pen, and a dried orange slice laying on the pages. The words "find balance" are in focus.

Adopt the be-do-have model and embody the version of you that you want to be

Unlike a restaurant, once you’ve placed your order, you don’t get to sit back and relax until your manifestation appears on your table. You’ve got work to do, too. 

The first step is to embody the version of yourself who already has what you want. Steven Covey, the author of 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, created the Be-Do-Have Model which explains this concept perfectly. In order to manifest what you desire, you must first ask yourself, “Who do I need to be in order to achieve what I want?” By behaving like the type of person who already has what you’re manifesting, you’re halfway there.

Take aligned action

The final step is to take aligned action as it occurs to you. This doesn’t mean to hustle your life away or do random things in a chaotic effort in order to make what you want happen. Action like that is bound to result in burnout. Instead, use your intuition to guide the action you take. The universe will meet you halfway by providing opportunities that will help you manifest your desires. Tune in to your intuition and take action as it feels good to do so.

What can you manifest?

Here’s a wild fact for ya… Everything in your life is an accumulation of past manifestations. 

You can manifest anything and everything, and you are already an expert. With every thought and feeling you have, you put out vibrations to the universe that attract things similar to that vibration. 

So, your job, your apartment, your significant other, that really cute top that you wear every week, these are all manifestations that you brought into your life. 

Now, to intentionally manifest something new is a little different. When you are trying to purposefully manifest something into your life, you need to fully believe you can do it. This is known as the law of unwavering faith— another essential law to making manifestation work for you.

So, essentially, the only limits of what you can manifest are the limits you put on yourself. You could manifest a third arm if you wanted to, as long as you fully believed it was possible, and really, really wanted to.

A woman in a field of sunflowers raises her arms in joy.

Never assume to believe that you know what is possible 

Back in the day, everyone thought it was impossible to run a 4-minute mile. They thought your organs would explode if you tried. That is until Roger Bannister did it in 1954. Now the 4-minute mile is a standard for runners. Use this as an example to show that if you can believe it, you can achieve it. 

How often do you need to practice manifestation?

This is a pretty common question, so I figured it was important to answer in this beginner’s guide to manifestation. 

You are constantly manifesting. Like your heartbeat, you can’t turn it off. You are always thinking, feeling, and sending out signals to the universe, therefore creating manifestations set to appear in your physical reality. 

I think when most people ask this question, they are wondering how often to practice a manifestation ritual, such as meditation, affirmations, or breathwork. My answer to this is do what feels right to you. Again, there’s no right answer. Maybe play around with different routines. Try meditating every day for a week and see how that feels. If it’s too much, do it less often. If you love it, do it more. 

The same thing goes for the types of manifestation techniques you use. There are a bunch out there and different people like different things. I personally love meditation and hypnosis. One of my best friends loves to journal every day. Do some research and play around with different activities until you find what you like.

One thing I’ll recommend for everyone though is to actively tune in to your thoughts daily. Pay attention to what you’re thinking and notice if you’re having any repetitive negative thoughts or feelings. If you are, don’t blame yourself, we all have them. Instead, see if you can reframe the thoughts into something more positive. The best is if you can find gratitude in the situation you’re dealing with. This will help improve your vibration and help you manifest more positive things into your life

A woman practices meditation.

A beginner’s guide to manifestation

Knowing how to intentionally manifest is a key tool to co-creating the life of your dreams. When you know how manifestation works, it’s a lot easier to play by the rules and actually manifest what you want into your life. 

Have you ever seen those posts online that ask you if you had to talk about anything for an hour with no preparation, what would you talk about? Well, mine would be manifestation. Welcome to my Ted Talk. 

There is so much to say about manifestation that a single blog post can’t cover it all. That’s why I’ve created this entire blog to dive deep into the details and help you learn everything you need to know to create the life of your dreams.

Additional Resources To Help Guide You Through Manifestation

In addition to my other manifestation blogs, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite books on manifestation to help guide you through the process. These books are amazing resources to help you on your journey to manifesting your best life.

A Pinterest pin with lavender and a candle in the background and reads: "Manifestation. A Beginner's Guide to Manifestation: How to co-create the life of your dreams. Adventuringdreamers.com"

Manifest Your Best Life With These Additional Resources

Beginner’s Guides:

We Know Everything is Energy, But What Does That Mean?

Manifesting With Crystals— Beginner’s Guide On How To Use Healing Stones

Manifestation Rituals:

7 Powerful Manifestation Rituals That Will Change Your Life

Candle Magick: How To Perform An Awesome Intention Setting Ritual

5 Gratitude Rituals That Will Help Raise Your Vibration

Manifest Money:

How to Use EFT to Improve Your Money Mindset

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These books transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne

Super Attractor: Methods for Manifesting a Life Beyond Your Wildest Dreams by Gabrielle Bernstein

Ask and It Is Given by Esther and Jerry Hicks

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle

Becoming Supernatural: How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon by Dr. Joe Dispenza

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Want to hear a cool story? Check out this article I wrote where I describe exactly how I manifested the perfect NYC apartment, not to mention an entire move across the country.


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