A woman bows her head to her hands

180+ Things To Be Grateful For In Your Life

180+ Things To Be Grateful For Every Single Day

It’s often easy to forget about the so-called “little things” in life that we really are truly grateful for. That’s why I created this list of 180+ things to be grateful for in your life.

We are so lucky to live in an abundant world. 

You might be sitting there thinking, “Easy for you to say, you don’t know my life.” And, you’re right. I don’t. But, I’m guessing that if you have the means to read this article right now, then you have a million and one things to be grateful for.

But, I get it. Sometimes it’s really hard to tap into those feelings of gratitude. Especially when we feel like we aren’t where we want to be in life. The feeling of not having what we want can overpower any feelings of gratitude for what we do want. That’s why it’s so important to practice gratitude on a daily basis and develop a gratitude mindset.

In order to help you tap into the feeling of gratitude, I’ve created this list of 180+ things to be grateful for. I was going to do 100, but once I started brainstorming the gratitude just wouldn’t stop coming!

There is so much on this list that I know you are grateful for, even if it’s easy to take some of them for granted. And I’ll bet many of these items will remind you of even more stuff to be grateful for. So, hopefully, this list of things to be grateful for reminds you just how lucky you are to be alive right now and fills you with feelings of immense gratitude.

Blankets are arranged nicely next to a cup of coffee. Text reads, "180+ things to be grateful for in your life. Adventuringdreamers.com"

180+ Things To Be Grateful For In Your Life

Things to be grateful for in your life

There are so many things in our lives to be grateful for that we completely forget about because we’re so used to having them there! So, here are a few things to be grateful for in your life that you might take for granted.

  • A roof over your head.
  • A bed to sleep in.
  • Sheets and blankets to sleep on.
  • The fact that you woke up today.
  • The ability to take a shower.
  • Multiple choices in outfits to wear on any given day.
  • Shoes on your feet.
  • Access to fresh, healthy food daily.
  • Television entertainment.
  • The ability to read.
  • An education.
  • Pens and paper to write notes on.
  • Music.
  • Art.
  • Living in a free country.
  • The ability to travel.
  • Your job.
  • The fact that your favorite food exists and you can have it whenever you want.
  • The ability to learn a new hobby or skill whenever you wish.
  • Being able to look at photos or videos of past memories.
  • The ability to smile and laugh.
  • Access to personal development, tips, books, podcasts, and coaches right at your fingertips!
  • Things that smell really good (candles, incense, fresh air, laundry fresh out of the dryer).
  • Walks that help you clear your mind and/or unwind.
  • Deodorant. 
  • The gym.
  • Hot cocoa.
  • Hot or iced tea.
  • Hot or iced coffee.
  • The fact that you have a choice between hot and iced beverages.
  • Chocolate.
  • Cake.
  • Ice cream.
  • The fact that you can have any career that you choose to have.
  • All the mentors who have given you guidance throughout your lifetime.
  • Access to eyeglasses or contacts.
  • Lotion to moisturize your skin.
  • Soap.
  • The ability to do any type of self-care or relaxation on a hard day.
A person plays guitar.
Things to be grateful for in your life— music.

Things to be grateful for in modern society

It’s easy to take modern living for granted because we haven’t ever experienced anything different. But take a moment to imagine how your ancestors might have lived and I’ll bet you’ll be grateful for the many perks modern living gives to us!

  • Electricity.
  • Clean running water for showering, brushing teeth, and cleaning clothes and dishes.
  • Indoor plumbing.
  • Available, clean drinking water.
  • A car, or accessible public transportation.
  • A phone.
  • Access to the internet.
  • Wireless internet.
  • A fridge to keep your food fresh.
  • Easy access to food through grocery stores. (Could you imagine having to forage daily in nature?)
  • A cupboard full of spices to cook with. (Back in the day, only royalty could afford spices!)
  • The ability to go out to eat and have a professional chef cook your food.
  • Access to cheap books. (In the past, only the exceptionally rich owned books).
  • Access to modern medicine.
  • Access to alternative medicine.
  • The ability to continue your education through many avenues (higher education, free information online, online courses, workshops, podcasts, etc.)
  • Airplanes. (Traveling is so fast now!)
  • Air conditioning.
  • A heater in your home.
An airplane flies in the sky.
Things to be grateful for in modern society— the ability to travel quickly by airplane.

Things to be grateful for about yourself

You are a wonderful human being. I don’t even have to know you to know that. The fact that you’re on this site, looking for inspiration on what to be grateful for tells me all I need to know. So, take a moment to appreciate yourself and how awesome you are.

  • Your personality.
  • Your talents.
  • The things that make you unique and different.
  • Everything that makes you quirky.
  • The way you laugh.
  • The way you smile.
  • The way your eyes sparkle when you’re having fun.
  • The ability to grow as a person.
  • How you are willing to help other people when they need you.
  • Your favorite memories and stories from your life.
  • Your resilience.
  • All the times you didn’t lose hope.
  • Your passion for the things you love.
  • How far you’ve come.
  • Your vulnerability.
  • Where you are at on your journey.
  • Your gratitude.
  • Where you are willing to go to achieve your goals.
  • Your kindness.
  • The lessons you’ve learned in life.
  • Your strength.
  • The ability to forgive.
  • Your dreams.
  • How you care about the people you love.
  • Your empathy.
  • Your intelligence and wisdom.
  • Your past failures. (Again, they’ve taught you so much).
  • Your ambition.
  • Your ability to leave your comfort zone.
A woman smiles at herself in the mirror.
Be grateful for all the unique things that make you, you!

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Things to be grateful for in your relationships

I know you’re already so grateful for the relationships in your life. Here are just a few examples of things to be grateful for in your relationships.

  • Your friends and family.
  • Your pets.
  • The close bond between siblings.
  • The ability to stay connected with friends and family easily through texting or social media.
  • Late nights spent staying up late talking with loved ones.
  • The butterfly feeling in your stomach when you meet someone new and there’s a spark
  • The excitement of a first date.
  • The first kiss.
  • The first time you’re intimate with someone you’re in love with.
  • Spooning and cuddling with your love.
  • Inside jokes between close friends.
  • When someone makes you laugh so hard that you can’t breathe.
  • Reminiscing fond memories with loved ones.
  • Hugs and kisses from our loved ones.
  • Game nights with friends and/or family.
  • Being able to tell what someone is thinking just by looking at them because you know them so well.
Two hands clasped together.
Always be grateful for the relationships in your life.

Things to be grateful for in your body

Imagine having to tell your heart to pump blood or your hair to grow. Our bodies do so much for us that we take for granted. So take a moment to appreciate all the things there are to be grateful for in your body.

  • Your heart.
  • Your lungs.
  • Your eyes.
  • Your teeth.
  • Your lips.
  • Your brain.
  • The blood pumping through your body.
  • The fact that our brains have neuroplasticity and can change as we learn new things.
  • The ability to taste, smell, see, feel, and hear.
  • Your fingernails.
  • Your eyelashes.
  • Your skin.
  • Your toes.
  • Your hair.
  • All of your physical “imperfections.”
  • Your physical “perfections.”
  • Being in good health.
A woman touches her face and looks in the mirror.
Your body does so much for you without you needing to ask. How cool is that?

Things to be grateful for in nature

We live in an awe-inspiring, beautiful world. Here are just a few suggestions of what to be grateful for in nature.

  • Wildflowers.
  • Trees.
  • Green grass to lay on in the summer and look up at the clouds.
  • Puppies.
  • Puppy breathe.
  • The way puppies wag their tails when they’re excited.
  • Kittens.
  • Little baby cows that go moo in adorable baby cow voices.
  • The insane and out-of-this-world beauty that is nature. (Think waterfalls, majestic mountains, sunrises, sunsets, etc.)
  • Birds chirping in the morning when you wake up.
  • Cozy winter nights.
  • Warm summer evenings.
  • The cool autumn breeze. 
  • Spring rains. 
  • When fall leaves change colors.
  • The first snowfall of the year.
  • When all the snow melts and it’s warm enough to go outside without a winter coat.
  • The feeling of the sun shining on your face.
  • The warm sand at the beach squishing between your toes.
  • The feeling of grass on your feet.
  • The beauty of the moon.
  • The air we breathe.
  • Warm fires.
  • The fact that we are the perfect distance from the sun in order for life to be living.
  • The way that the earth rotates to keep us safe.
  • When the wind tangles your hair.
  • Warm rain.
  • Starry nights.
  • Natural hot springs.
  • Wild mint that you can put in your coffee or cocoa while you’re camping.
A lake on a rocky mountain
We live in a beautiful, wonderful world and I am so grateful for that!

Random things to be grateful for

There is so much in life to be grateful for that I couldn’t possibly categorize it all into one blog post. So, here are a few more random things that I’m grateful for.

  • The joy of the holiday season.
  • When a stranger smiles at you.
  • Great conversations that leave you thinking.
  • The first bite of a delicious dessert.
  • The feeling of being loved.
  • Hiking trails.
  • Kind neighbors.
  • Happy hour at your favorite restaurant or bar.
  • The feeling of being appreciated.
  • Closet organizers.
  • The feeling of joy.
  • Foot rubs.
  • The fact that most of us carry a supercomputer in our pockets every day and have access to any information at any given moment.
  • Massages.
  • The fact that this supercomputer is also a camera and a video recorder so we can document our lives.
  • Calculators.
  • The smell of a Christmas tree.
  • Modern computers.
  • Licking the spoon when you’re baking.
  • The smell of cinnamon.
  • Spell check.
  • The taste of raw cookie dough.
  • Keyboard shortcuts.
  • Video games.
  • Apologies.
  • America’s Funniest Home Videos.
  • Memes.
  • Good news.
  • GPS.
  • Coupons.
  • Movie and television streaming and how you can watch literally any content ever created by clicking a few buttons on your remote.
  • Your favorite winter coat.
  • Cozy blankets.
A woman snuggles in a blanket. Text reads, "180+ things to be grateful for in your life. Adventuringdreamers.com"

Additional Resources To Help You Build a More Positive Mindset

Mindset Guides:

The Complete Guide to Limiting Beliefs and How To Conquer Them

What is EFT and How to Use It to Reduce Stress

Meditation for Beginners: 9 Steps on How to Clear Your Mind

How to Lower Your Anxiety Now: 5 Easy Hacks You Can Use in the Moment

Books to Grow Your Mindset:

These are books that transformed my life and led me to where I am today and I am confident they will do the same for you.

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Outwitting the Devil by Napoleon Hill

You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life by Jen Sincero

The Big Leap: Conquer Your Hidden Fear and Take Life to the Next Level

The Complete Wallace D. Wattles Collection

Click Here to see more from the Adventuring Dreamers Resources.

Ready to uplevel your life but need a little inspiration to leave your comfort zone? Check out why I think it’s so important to Chase the Things that Scare You.


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